This week carried us to Birmingham to have a developmental study done. Dawson's Neuro wanted us to do this to give us a baseline of where he is developmentally and do a yearly sorta thing to see how he's progressing. It also serves the purpose of pin pointing weaknesses for his teachers at school as well as us to work on.
Dawson cooperated fully thank goodness and the entire thing went really really well as far as the testing goes. We went into this study knowing that there are issues. It's not like we needed to be told. There are obviously things that are not "normal" but what is amazing is how FAST the things that once wern't normal.... all of a sudden are pretty close to being normal.
Language skills for example... And understand " Language skills" encompasses much more than just the ability to say words. That obviously is a big part of it. But understanding language, and having the ability to communicate verbally is a big part of it.
Just months ago, this kid had ZERO language practically. He could speak a word at a time and that was pretty limited to 25 to 30 words. And here we are 264 days of seizure freedom and he scored very close to age appropriate for Language skills. Pretty amazing right?? I thought so too..
Non verbal skills...... thats another issue.. Still lots of problems in this area and working puzzles and that sort of thing.. BUT... he is constantly getting better, he is learning, he is HAPPY!!! OH BOY is he happy!! This kid is a huge cut up now, hopping around laughing, singing, talking in 4 and 5 word sentences left and right... The Seizure monster has been killed and life has never been better!!
Above is a picture of Dawson bowling. We went with our church group last night and Dawson ( with a teeny tiny wee little bit of help from daddy) bowled a 101.. Not too shabby!!
The kid is pretty amazing, the change in him post being healed has been the most fun to watch.. All I ever really truly wanted is for him to be happy.... and he is
Praise God!!!