Monday, August 15, 2011

Dawson dancing

Sorry this video is a little sideways.. but you get the picture.. He loves playing just dance on the Wii so we wanted to share some of the hottest new moves out there today. He gets his dancing skills from me btw

Hope you enjoy half as much as we did


Monday, August 1, 2011

Bop It

Yeah, were just showing off now. Dawson loves this little game and developmentally... Its fantastic for him. Its just over the last few days that he has gotten this good at it. He has almost beaten MY high score HA!!! ( Oh and at the end of the video, listen to him say " concentrate"

We are soooooo proud of the progress he is making. He continues to be on a slow but very positive and very methodical climb out from under the fog and damage of the seizures. There are so many people in his life that are affecting him positively right now. None more right now than our children's minister at our church. Their paths crossing was specifically designed by God and we are so thankful for "Miss Brandi". We have witnessed a true connection of sorts between these two and we thank God for her daily. She has been able to bring him.... out of his shell so to speak in social situations... Its hard to explain... Its just one of those God things ya know..

Speech continues to do really well... His newest thing is to ask " What?" after most anything that is said to him. Even though we know he heard us very plainly, you get the Whaaaattt??? His other new favorite phrase that were NOT so thrilled about is
" Poo Poo".. So i know it sounds funny, but this has been going on for several weeks. We kinda figured he would get tired of saying it but so far no luck. I try not to laugh, but hey im a guy, and there aren't many things more funny than listening to him sing Happy Birthday with every other word being Poo Poo..... ( see, its hard not to laugh right??)

Anyway, we are all doing really well. Basking in God's blessings and marveling daily at his healing hand.

Today is 311 days seizure free!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT????!!!!!

Much love to all
