It's been so long since i've posted anything on here that I had a hard time remembering my password. If i am to be honest, I have to say the lack of response to our last couple of post.... you know, the ones about a little boy being seizure free for a year... was a little underwhelming. This blog has NEVER been about us getting accolades from the general public, or about our situation being so good, or being so bad, or being anything. But when a little boy with Infantile Spasms goes seizure free for a year.... now THATS something to praise God publicly about. That's really all we are trying to do at this point. Anyway.... it sorta took the wind our of my sail as far as opening up and sharing with people whom i have never met about the personal side of my family. BUT, alas, My job as Dawson's dad IS to share. People need to know some of these kids have a chance. Infantile Spasms ( although horrific and devastating) doesn't necessarily mean a death sentence. Hopefully, Dawson brings HOPE to some people. Hopefully somebody who is brand new to the awful world of Infantile Spasms will stumble across this small meaningless blog and find PEACE. If we are able to provide that for just one single person, then all 4 years I have been sharing my son with all of you will be worth it.
We give ALL praise and glory to the one who healed him Jesus Christ. So yeah, when he just out of the blue heals a child.... I expect a little more. At least an AMEN or something!!
Theres my sermon for the day....... Now on the main event....
As you can see from the pics and video, Dawson continues to thrive. The changes continue to come weekly if not daily in some cases. He can trace his name ( see pic) and his teachers in school say he is excelling in the classroom. It is my opinion that if he were to be tested today, he probably wouldn't even qualify for services in the school anymore. The seizures stopped, there was a very small lull, and then his brain kicked into learning overdrive!!!!! We are so proud of everything he is doing.
Dawson now talks in full sentences. He can count to 17. We are able to have back and forth conversations with him in full sentence form. He knows all his colors. He can sing songs from beginning to end and if he cant remember the word, he will substitute the words poo poo and pee pee any chance he gets.. ( Cause he is definitely all boy) Dawson is fully potty trained going #1 on the potty but still refuses to go #2. and he has certainly found his personality. He is one of the silliest things I have ever seen. He is constantly bothering his sister and because of it they fight like cats and dogs. Yep, everything is just as its supposed to be. He is now able to manipulate and solve puzzles that he couldn't do before, He makes friends very easily with other kids now where before he would refuse to engage. His favorite thing is to play Just Dance on the Wii ( and he is very good at it too.) Dawson is also becoming very independent as well. He is able to get out of the bath, dry off, get his pull ups on, put his pants on, and brings a shirt and socks to us to help him get those on. If you try and help him brush his teeth, it will be followed with a very scornful " I want to do it by myself daddy!!"
I literally could go on and on.. and chances are... next week i will be able to add something brand new to the list that is is now doing. It now seems as though he has a chance of escaping any negative side effects of suffering thousands and thousands of seizures. I will always remember one of the things his Neuro in Huntsville said to us the first time we saw her. Dawson was two months old and she told us.. " The key to this whole thing is stopping the seizures. If we get the seizures stopped, the brain WILL perform just as its supposed to" I can't tell you how long I hung my hat on those words... If only we can stop these seizures!! Well, when they stopped, those words became a reality and all were left with is a very happy 4 year old.
Our God is indeed good.