Well, where do I begin?? It has been so long since we have done an update!!! I guess in a way that is good news. Good in the way that there just hasn't been that much to talk about. We are rolling up on almost a year and a half of seizure freedom!! There was a time when I seriously doubted that I would ever be able to say those words.. "seizure freedom" and yet here we are, and those words just roll off the tongue so nicely....
Dawson continues to flourish. He is talking so good now and is able to carry out conversations with no problems. His teachers at school drone on and on almost daily about how well he is doing. His progress reports are nothing short of amazing and it makes me reflect back to a short time ago when all these tasks seemed either too difficult or impossible for Dawson to do. Now those same tasks are just part of his daily routine and he is able to tackle them with no problems.
Dawson is fully potty trained, can dress himself completely from socks and shoes all the way to pants and shirts. He is pretty much just as self sufficient as any other 4 year old out there. Yes indeed, our little guy is growing up and walking his own little path.. He gets very irritated when people try and help him with things... to the point where he will shout at you.." I CAN DO IT MYSELF!!!" LOVE IT!!!
The only real remnants of that horrible world we lived in, are left in the fact that we are dealing with some behavior type issues. There are really really good days..... and then there are days that quite frankly are just not so good. We've tried almost every type of behavior modification there is to try... ( next on the list is bamboo shoots up the finger nails) IM KIDDING!!! relax.... There just seems to be a disconnect from the fact.... If i do this...... then Im going to get in big trouble... If he indeed does have that filter somewhere... ITS BROKEN!! His biggest thing now is spitting... Yep.. when he gets mad or irritated, he starts spitting.... Put him in time out and he spits while hes sitting there.... Punish him for spitting in time out and he spits on you.... What do you do???
But considering where we could be... I will take the behavior issues any day of the week and twice on Sunday. Speaking of Sunday... HAPPY EASTER to all of you.. How great it is that we serve a RISEN savior... A savior who is ALIVE and still preforming the same miracles he did 2000 years ago while he walked this earth... I know this to be a fact because my son is one of those miracles.. A healing hand that reached over and touched a child.... A touch that healed seizures and healed a family.. Praise God and Happy Easter