Wednesday, August 6, 2008

slowly getting better

Dawson is still suffering from this terrible head cold he has. I think the worst of it is over but he has sure had a time with it. As most of you know because of the seizures, there just isn't much he can take to help relieve the symptoms. Saline and suction is just about all we can do because most of the meds can actually help trigger seizures. The eyes of a child tell the whole story and the look Dawson has had in his eyes the past days say " I just do not feel good at all"

Monday we were at Vanderbilt for a diabetic education class. It went really well and we all found it to be very informative. I think I am now qualified to be a neurological endocrinologist. If only there was such a thing !!!

Dawson turned 11 months old two days ago and we just can't believe that next month we will be celebrating his 1st birthday. Has it really been a year??? There has been a ton of things happen to this child in his first year of life and we have a lot to celebrate on his birthday next month. I can't hardly wait

We are close to 70 days with no seizures and his progress continues to be nothing short of amazing to us.

We love you

Jeff and Allison

1 comment:

Reagan Leigh said...

I'm so happy for you...70 days seizure free!! What a miracle! It seems Dawson has beaten all the odds and come through all of this amazingly well. Your ability to stay faithful through the hard times and find the positive in every circumstance has been an inspiration to me (and others). Thank you for that!