Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday August 26th Update

It's as though nothing has ever happened to him at all. Its just so unbelievable to us that given his diagnosis that he could be doing so well. He is crawling everywhere now and the days of setting him down and being able to walk away from him are OVER. He now follows everywhere you go is enjoying " exploring" the house.

His speech is expanding and now he has added " Ma Ma" to his vocabulary. It sounds like " Bwa Bwa" but he knows who hes calling.

During therapy we have been trying to get him to raise his arms up as high as he can. So this week he just started doing it on his own. Of course he got lots of laughter and applause from all of the family so now its a game to him. He will throw his arms above his head and then start clapping for himself. He has also learned to wave hello and bye bye.

He continues to eat us out of house and home. Dawson has a very healthy appetite and readily eats what ever is in front of him. Last night we were celebrating my 8th anniversary of my 30th birthday ( sounds better to me that way) and he ate everything that we ate and just loved it.
He had meatloaf, mashed potatoes, English peas ( mushed up), Red Velvet cake, and ice cream.

We praise God for his healing power. He gets ALL the credit for this.

Dawson's birthday is in 9 days. Hard to believe that a year has already gone by, and at the same time its hard to believe its only been a year. I know that most of the friends and family who read this are far away,but we hope that on September 4th you guys will be able to stop for a moment and celebrate not only a birthday, but a year of victories with us. Allison made a video that covers his first year and we will be posting that soon.

We love you guys and would be lost without your friendship and prayers. Thank you so much

Jeff and Allison


Danielle said...

My heart is SO thrilled for you guys! We're celebrating every single success with you! Keep sharing as Dawson continues on his miracle journey...cause we all need that shot of hope! And the reminder that doctors and diagnosis' are not the Author of our lives! Happy b-day little man! Go get into everything & drive mommy & daddy bonkers! *wink*


Heather said...

"For I know the plans I have for you,declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you,plans to give you hope and a future"Jeremiah 29:11
This says it all sweet Dawson!

Love from Zoey and family