Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Living with boxes

We had a very successful move. It took 3 trips in a 24 foot box truck and numerous car and truck loads but we made it. Everything we own is back under one roof again and now the trick is remembering what box you put what in. Were still digging out and It's looking like maybe a week before things are in some sort of organizational pattern again. A HUGE thank you to my parents and Allison's parents for all the help this weekend. Those who weren't moving things were watching kids for us and vice versa. An even bigger thanks to my brother in law Adam who has been right with me during the " double move" Thanks Adam!!!! We would have never made it without you guys.

We are waiting on Internet connection at home ( I can neither confirm nor deny that I am might or might not be doing this from my work computer) and hopefully withing the next couple of days they will be out to get us hooked up. Madison loves her new room and Dawson seems to be having a pretty good time in the new place as well. Lots of new places for him to go and explore.

Speaking of Dawson he continues to do very very well. We are still seizure free and we are going to Huntsville for an EEG on Thursday. This EEG was scheduled about a month ago and its his first EEG since being seizure free. Its been so long since hes had one and we are anxious to see some normal rhythmic brain waves. The EEG is going to be done in his Neuro's office which is nice because she can read it right then and there without having to wait and we will also be meeting with a Genetics specialist while we are there as well. So needless to say, Thursday will be a huge day for us. Pray with us for some awesome results.

1 comment:

DanyWhit said...

I am praying for awesome results! I'm sure everything will go just fine. Glad you guys are moved and enjoying the new place.