Tuesday, December 16, 2008

All is well

Well I think we are all over our colds/ear infections/gross green stuff in the sinuses & non stop coughing and hacking. Everybody seems well and I think I'm going to ban my family from getting within 20 feet of anybody who even has the sniffles..

Seriously the kids are doing better and we are certainly thankful for that. Dawson is absolutely 100% walking now and its been near a week or more since I have seen him crawl anywhere. We are very very thankful he has completed this milestone and can't wait to see what he is going to accomplish next. He is repeating more and more words now and I can't help but think his speech skills are going to just take off. He's getting the hang of signing what he wants and has mastered the most important one of all..... eating. He has always been and continues to be a good eater. Oh and by the way, his sleep this week has actually been pretty good ( knocking on some wood) yeah, hes not waking up nearly as much as he has been and it feels really good to get more than a couple of hours sleep at a time. We hope the trend continues. Infantile spasms and seizures continue to be a thing of the past for us and Thursday will mark being seizure free for 200 days!!! Praise God He has now been seizure free longer than he was having seizures by a month and we are so thankful and blessed... Way to go Dawson!!

I haven't updated lately on Katelin so here goes....

It appears that she is out of her " honeymoon phase" She is back to requiring Insulin for almost every meal now. She is getting a half of unit of insulin for every 20 carbs and what her blood sugars will do next is a complete mystery. The challenge as always remains being ready for whats going to happen next and the amount of insulin she needs can change on a dime. She seems no worse for the wear and this brave little 7 year old who gets poked in the fingers/arms/stomach numerous times a day continues to " WOW " me with her bravery and no big deal attitude.

Thanks for looking in on us to see how we are doing. We appreciate each and every one of you

Jeff and Allison


Karen said...

WOW almost 200 days seizure free, that is amazing! Congrats Dawson. He is doing so great and you will continue to see lots of progress the longer he is seizure free.

I also had no idea your daughter had problems with diabetes. Man what a trooper, she sounds so strong. These kids bravery is all such an inspiration! Little Blessings is what they are!

Glad you are all over the gunk, we are still dealing with it and all I can think of is just 2 more days and they are out of school for 3 weeks so I pray it all clears out on that time. They pick up so much stuff in the school systems!

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Monica~ James~ Connor said...

Glad that all of the green stuff is going to be gone by Christmas...that is a gift itself! WOOHOO 200 days...that little guy is just such a blessing. he gives me hope that one day that we may be so lucky, until then we enjoy cheering on your cute little guy. Hang in there little Katelin, it will get better and you all will learn to adjust with time. I always felt for the families when we had newly diagnosed diabetic kiddos in the hospital. it is just such a lifestyle adjustment for the ENTIRE family. It's a challenge to learn all of that information. Counting carbs was always my least favorite so I feel for you all. Hang in there!!

P.s. I don't know if you've tried the "signing time" videos or not but I've heard they are great for helping the little ones and parents learn the signs. Cute songs too!

Jonathan said...

hmmmm...seems the gunk left your place & invaded our's! Ugh! So goes life with kiddos...

Wow...it's amazing how much time has passed! 200 days sounds like the perfect number for a party! Whoo hoo! I hope Dawson just keeps astonishing everybody!


Heather said...

I am here ...promise.Just otherwise occupied but you all are close in thought and prayers.