Thursday, December 4, 2008


Everybody around here is still under the weather a bit. Me and Allison and Dawson and Madison have entered a Cough-a-thon, and so far I think Dawson is winning. Poor thing, he seems to have gotten the worst of it. Yesterday he felt so bad and you could see it in his eyes too. Besides the fact they were all weepy and matted, they just looked really bad. So this morning Dawson made a trip to the Doctor and he has an ear infection. Both him and Madison got their flu shots while they were there, along with a good antibiotic to clear up the ear infection.

Hopefully in a couple of days we will all be strong and healthy again, and all these head and chest colds will be a thing of the past.

Last night, Dawson was doing his usual " I'm going to wake up ever couple of hours or so just to let you know I don't want you to get more than 2 hours of sleep at a time thing." Anyway, at his 3:00 am wake up call I look over and Allison is missing. I didn't think a lot about it until the 3:30 wake up call from Dawson, and Allison is still missing in action. Come to find out...

Apparently, when I have a bad head cold, I snore a lot more than usual. Poor Allison couldn't take it anymore and abandoned post to go sleep in the kids play room just to get away from it.
Sorry sweetie, tonight Ill go back to the breath right strips....

So were all hanging in there, puny, but hanging in.

Oh BTW, the other day we went out to eat for lunch and Dawson started drinking from a straw.. Hooray for Dawson! We celebrate every new thing he learns to do.

God bless and we love you all

Jeff and Allison


jkear said...

You might try an EarCheck ( to assist in diagnosing and monitoring an ear infection. I used it last night and it works. It confirmed that she had an infection so I gave her some Tylenol so she could sleep and then went to the doc this morning and he confirmed it. It is great peace of mind.

Monica~ James~ Connor said...

I hope you all feel better soon. It's bad when the whole family is sick. Atleast maybe this way you won't pass it back and forth a bunch of times.

Way to go Dawson with the straw! So proud of ya. Keep up the good work!

Danielle said...

I'm totally looking into the EarCheck thing! Trevy gets them oh about every other month...ugh! Which btw...sleep is always terrible until the meds kick in. Hopefully you guys're getting better sleep now!

And Allison hon...I desert when the snoring if rough too! *wink*
