Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Long overdue update

First of all my apologies for such a delay in posting an update. As it turns out, I am a man. And everybody knows that as a man, I cannot manage my time properly, nor do two things at one time So Allison made me sit down and do this while I had nothing to do........ HA!

The latest scoop on Dawson is, is that unfortunately, seizures continue. We almost made it one day without any yesterday but he woke up last night and had some. He had more this morning when we woke up, and he had some after naps today. YUK!!!!!

We are in a holding pattern of sorts on his Meds until we can get back to Huntsville to see his Neuro. We are scheduled to go July 6th and im guessing we will be trying something new, or adding something, or going up on something..... you know the game

Despite the seizures he is still doing really really well. He has been the sweetest little boy these past few weeks ( although Madison would definitely not agree!!) His language and communication skills continue to grow in leaps and bounds. He tells us when he needs changed ( No 1 and No 2 ) with sign and words. He has a big " HI" for us every time he sees us and we've been working on saying the name of animals as well as the sounds they make. Hes doing really well with these things. Dawson continues to amaze us and just as before, it seems hes not going to let seizures stand in the way of doing or saying what he wants to.

The past few weeks have been pretty rocky for us. We are left with more questions than answers ( something I don't deal with well) and I have to admit my attitude has been less than what it needs to be concerning the return of seizures.


Our faith is strong and we are now more than ready for whatever lies ahead. God is once again stirring our hearts and moving us in the direction that he wants us to be in. I have been reminded recently that having faith in God during good times is the easy part. We are learning how to trust him even though we don't understand what hes doing. All I know is that he IS DOING and that's good enough for me.

Thank you so much for those who have been praying for Dawson and for us. It gives us great peace and we are very thankful to each one of you.

Our love to all.

Jeff and Allison


Reagan Leigh said...

Good post. It's so true. Having faith in the bad times is the the true test. Your family has always been an inspiration to me and Dawson (as always) remains in my prayers!

Heather said...

I second Tera and say ... don't be too hard on yourselves.There is no perfect way to handle this and it is totally disappointing to be at,what feels like,square one.Attitude is expected.You continue to inspire others with this journey you travel with Dawson.Prayers continue for you all.

Jonathan said...

It's so interesting that you would touch on this...cause I was on the phone with another IS mommy this morning. Her daughter had a terrible day yesterday...and it just shattered her. And at the end of the convo we both agreed that it doesn't matter how strong you are...physically...emtionally...mentally...and even spiritually. It's just going to affect us. It is. Our hearts are not equipped to handle this level of pain. And then we turn around and say, "Okay Jesus...I trust You" again. And move forward...hopefully stronger...into the Path that has already been Written. Not that you need to hear any of this anyway...

I just thought it was interesting how even in our blog convos...and phone convos...we would touch on the very same thing. IS connects us...

Much love...and prayers...


Monica~ James~ Connor said...

Well atleast the seizure monster isn't holding him down!! Dawson is showing IS who the boss is. Keep it up little guy!! I think we all go through our spells of dealing with life as a parent of a child with seizures. Somedays i think we dealt better in the beggining than we do now...2.5years later. {{{hugs}} to you all