Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Good days / bad days

Generally speaking our days with Dawson have been some what better. His mood is a little better but will still have some outburst from time to time. We have started a B6 therapy to go along with the Keppra to help with the fussiness and rage outburst.

I don't blame the Keppra for all of it. I know some if it is the Keppra, but I also think some of it is that he IS getting close to 2 years old, and he IS a rough and tumble rambunctious little boy who is defiantly going to test the limits. AND if thats not enough he is cutting some more back molars.

The Keppra seems to be helping SOME with his seizures. Typically, when we increase his dose we will see them taper and even some days disappear. But usually after 24-36 hours the seizure monster will rear its ugly head yet again. So I'm thinking the combo of Topamax, Lamictal, Keppra, and B6 is not the answer.

I know we have to stay the course and give the current meds their chance to work but I am already ready to move on to something else. I know, I can be so impatient right??

I sure do miss the good ole days of counting seizure free days. Those were so much fun. I do however feel a God given peace that we will have our chance to count not only seizure free days, but months and years as well.

Your prayers and support certainly help us down that road and we thank you so much for that.

We love you all

Jeff and Allison


Heather said...

Those good ole days will return.I just know it.And we pray that it comes sooner rather then later.You all continue to amaze me with your positive spin you can put on life even amidst seizures and that is what empowered us here in the days when we too felt that seizure/cluster counting was all that we were destined to do.Unwavering faith and belief that seizure freedom will indeed come to Dawson once again is what we cling to here in California.

PS.Only took me but a minute to figure out A.A.W. ... my sentiments as well.

Jackson's Blog said...

You absolutely will...God has a great plan for Dawson and we believe those days will be here again! I do agree that sometimes, when they are fussy we assume it is seizure/medication related, but Dawson is going through those fun stages of the soon to be 2's. Those back molars are never fun. You all are always in our thoughts and prayers!

DanyWhit said...

Glad that the seizures are letting up some.

Love ya!

Monica~ James~ Connor said...

It seems like when we move up on meds he does good the first couple of days ,and then he gets even worse than he was before the increase...soooo frustrating!! You will know when it is time to move on to something else.