Its hard to tell, but ever since we started increasing his Keppra doses, Dawson seems to be having some " rage" issues. Has anybody else noticed their child acting like some demon possessed monster while on Keppra???????
Ok well the word " rage" may be a little strong but he seems to be having some problems figuring out what to do when he doesn't get his way.
Last night Dawson had one of his little episodes. Since mommy was the only one in sight... Well thats who he lashed out at. He was unhappy to begin with because he didn't get his nap out. Sooooo he felt the answer was to slap and hit Allison and then grab a hand full of her hair and pull it....
Obviously that was the wrong answer.
So we are working on some " behavior modification techniques" with Dawson in hopes that he will remember that physically attacking someone ( especially your mom) means that unpleasant times are on the way for him.
He had troubles going to sleep as well last night. For some reason he wanted to play " Look at me I'm a Mexican Jumping bean" and after some more " behavior modification techniques" he finally settled down and went to sleep.
Whew, Dawson is turning out to be quite the handful. From somebody who is raising 3 girls, all this mean, rambunctious boy stuff is quite different.
So far, the increase in meds has not effected seizure frequency and I'm already wondering what the next step is going to be. In the meantime we continue to thank God for his goodness and grace that he continues to shower us with.
Our love to all
Jeff and Allison
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I know that Keppra rage is a very real problem. That's why they add the try to prevent it. Is Dawson on B6? I know the first time we tried Keppra our doctor never even mentioned the B6 and we ended up having to stop only 2 weeks into it because Reagan was so irritable. So maybe it's helping this time around because I never noticed an increase in irritability...unfortunately we haven't really noticed an improvement seizurewise either. Hang in there. I'm sure you'll find something that will work for Dawson! Meanwhile, we feel your pain.
Yeah Bennett had some real rage and irritability issues as well, especially as the doses got increasingly high. We eventually pulled the plug on it ourselves, as the dosages were just so far beyond what we considered rational.
Hope he feels better soon...
My son is on Keppra too. He reacts so different to meds (Benadryl makes him hyper, etc). This is one that we haven't noticed, however he take his the same time he takes a whopping dose of Phenobarb AND Clonazepam. We are trying to get him to sleep - that is why I am commenting on your blog at 5:30 a.m. We have yet to got obed. LOL! Sorry I can't be of any help. Sending prayers your way.
Gosh, that has to be hard. Alli, you ok??? Sounds like this is common w/ Keppra, huh? Is he on the B6?
Love you guys!
Never had this problem with Cami while on all those meds she stayed so out of it! But I tell ya every since we came off the Depakote she has come quite the little terror! She hits, screams, kicks and pitches loud fits she did this mildly before but now its 10x worse! Sleep has gotten worse too! Maybe more fits from lack of sleep my guess for our two! So hard to say what these meds do to them! But dont make our mistake we were giving in to keep her quite a BIG mistake that is biting us back hard we are in the mist trying to fix it harder than we thought. Guess you live and learn ;)
Yes, Jackson was on Keppra for a few months and we experienced very similar circumstances. It is tough to see what these meds can do, when all you want them to do is help. Praying for better days and no seizures for Dawson!!!
Oh and we too experienced Kepp-rage!! it got so bad that I called the Dr's office in tears, begging them to take him off of it!! They didn't put him on B-6 during it either. Might have to re-visit that one with some b-6 added in. i love the "behavior modification technique"...ha ha ha!! is that the one we all grew up with?? the one where you knew not to pull that junk again..ha ha ha {{{sooo glad I'm finally getting caught up on my blogs!!}}}
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