Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A mouth full

For as long as I can remember ( which now that I have turned 39 is not very much) Everywhere Dawson goes, he has something in his mouth. He has always been a big fan of his Pacifier, but take that away and hell grab a toothbrush and say " brush teeth" then he will walk around with that in his mouth the rest of the day. Take that away and it's liable to be a book hes chewing on next, or some plastic thingy he will probably choke on. A spoon, a hairbrush, tooth paste tube, Madison's arm, nothing is safe from being used and abused in Dawson's mouth. Very seldom will you see him with nothing in his mouth. As a matter of fact, it's a lot like having a puppy......

His speech therapist said today that its because of his seizures that he feels the need to chew and keep something in his mouth. Has anybody else out there experienced this??? I mean as weird as it sounds, I guess it would make sense?? maybe???

Dawson has been doing pretty well the past couple of days. Seizures are not worse. As a matter of fact they have been slightly better. AND..... his mood has been better too. Only a couple of meltdowns each day which is much improved. We pray the trend continues.

We are very slowly coming off the Keppra. We just can't take it anymore. And are working on upping the dose of Lamicatl and still holding steady on Topomax.

Tonight all is well. Dawson and Madison are having a ball playing together. No wait.............................................................. yep we are having a meltdown now. Shouldn't have said anything!!

God certainly continues to bless us in many many ways and we are so thankful for all he has given us. We hope all of you had a wonderful day today.

Thanks for checking in on Dawson

Jeff and Allison


Jackson's Blog said...

Jackson has oral sensory issues as he likes to put everything in his mouth. He still has a pacifier, he bites his left hand (sometimes us), he chews on things. I have been told it could be "medication" related. He also craves the oral sensation. A lot of it for him is movement he gets walking on his own and more mobile, our OT said that should die down. It does seem to be the case, since he is crawling and cruising he doesn't do it as much. He seems to do it more when he is frustrated or excited. I have actually taken his pacifier away to limited times to help with speech, but it does organize him at the same time.

I am glad Dawon's doing a little better! I pray the increase in Lamictal does the trick. I love your positive outlook! Dawson is a lucky little boy to have such wonderful parents. ;-)

Danielle said...

Trevy chews on EVERYTHING. I thought it would be so fun for him to have a little footstool so he could look out his window...'cept his footstool put his freshly painted window sill right at chomper level. Several bite marks later...I finally gave up and took the footstool away!

But yes...he's very oral. Then again...all my kids's just his chewy-ness has lasted longer. I suppose it could be connected to seizures...I don't know...

But it's certainly a common theme I've heard in IS-ville!


DanyWhit said...

Hey guys... Glad to hear things are well. We are too. Just so busy...but what's new. Happy belated birthday, Jeff. Bear just celebrated his 37th, as well.