Is it possible that a two year old can be THAT strong??
Heres the thing. Dawson,this weekend, has had a pretty bad diaper rash. So when changing his diaper, it takes TWO grown adults to pull off a diaper change. And even with that, its a struggle!! Its amazing how strong a two year old can be isn't it??
Maybe I'm just getting weaker in my old age.
Dawson is doing really good. We are still seeing two to three day seizure free periods and the clusters hes having are much much milder. We seem to be heading in a good direction.
Coincidentally ( thank goodness for spell check on this thing) over the past couple of weeks I have noticed some big changes in Dawson. He has always been very mobile. He hit normal milestones with rolling, sitting up, crawling and then walking. But over the past couple of weeks, I can tell a huge difference in his mobility. He's running, and I'm not talking that toddler straight leg-ged running, but knees bending kind of FAST running. ( bad news for Madison!!)
Hes walking backwards very easily, he spins in circles, hes able to negotiate steps unassisted, and last night he was jumping off this ledge ( about a foot high), and hitting the ground running.
Shame on me for not bringing this kind of stuff up. We have always celebrated victories like this because as most of you already know, when you have this type of seizure disorder, this kind of stuff is HUGE.
His speech is really improving now as well. Last night, somebody said " Thank You" and to which Dawson easily replied " Welcome" and he understands EVERYTHING you say to him. Its so awesome to watch him really " get it"
God finds a way, on a regular basis, to remind us what a miracle Dawson is. We continue to find that there is peace and grace and celebration on the other side of every fiery battle we face. I am SO glad we are on his team!!
Speaking of team....... ROLL TIDE ( sorry, had to get that out there)
Pictures are of some random things. ( Our fun little 192 hour VEEG we had, and some Thanksgiving family time)
God bless and we love u all
Jeff and Allison
1 comment:
I am so happy to hear all of the
Amazing things Dawson is doing and the miracles you are witnessing!
God must have very big plans for your little guy!
Thanks for your encouragement and carries me and means the world.
Love to your family-Debbie + Hudson
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