Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cabin fever

Winter in the south is not supposed to be like this... A freak snowstorm a couple of days ago that dumped 4 inches in a matter of a couple of hours, and cold ( ok, cold for north Alabama) The weather here since December has been awful. Lows in the 20's every single night this week, Highs only in the mid 30's for the next seven days... I am sick and tired of being stuck indoors!!

I used to scoff at people who claim to have " seasonal depression" but now I'm kinda thinking there might be something to it.. I know its way to early but I am so ready for Spring... or at least more seasonal February temps.

Dawson has had a kind of back and forth week. The weekend was pretty miserable. Both Saturday and Sunday he only wanted to do this... The look says it all and its almost as if hes trying to hide from the seizure monster

Anything other than this would not work at all. Allison, bless her, was pretty much confined to having what I affectionately named " the leech" attached to her all weekend. If she tried to leave him........ well lets just say it was a long weekend indeed.

After the weekend things began to improve. and today?? Grampy says he had a super day today and this evening it has continued. He and Madison are watching Diego and riding the scooter through the house. They play this game where she is the mommy and Dawson is the baby.. He calls her mama and wants her to pick him up and carry him everywhere... hilarious!! Especially since Dawson almost outweighs her now. Its nice to see things kind of level off a little bit and take a breather. My parents came by the other night so that Allison and I could sneak off to the movies. We don't get to do much " dating" anymore but I think I found a girl who babysits and has been sitting for a little boy in our area that has Lennox Gastaut. If everybody is comfortable, Allison and I are going to do more "dating" Even if I have to DRAG her along!!!
We increased his Zonegran a couple of days ago for the third time and it seems to be doing OK. Still having single spasms peppered throughout the day but if I overheard correctly... None today!! Thank you Lord for this seizure free day. We will take everyone we can get and we continue to pray we can start to string some seizure free days together again.
I have found myself overwhelmed the past few weeks. Ive been kind of moping to myself and even feeling a little sorry for myself in this seizure/med saturated situation. Nothing breaks my heart more than to see my son sensing a seizure coming. Or to watch him have seizures, or to see him completely frustrated because he cant tell us what he wants or needs. I haven't cared lately how much better he has it compared to other people out there... He has seizures everyday and its heartbreaking and I hate them!! Yeah, Ive been in a little bit of a funk lately to say the least. BUT, I saw this sign today on a church billboard. When you live in the Bible belt, signs on church billboards are a pretty common thing but there was something different about this one. God used it to speak directly to me.. Its amazing the ways and the people and the things God will use to speak to and direct you if you will allow him to do so..
The sign was simple... " Don't pray for an easier life................. Pray for more strength instead."
Just exactly what I needed to hear today
Jeff and Allison


Debbie said...

Can you Say...."CUTIE PATOOTIE!"

Thanks for the to see him live!

pain is see your kid seize, and yes, he does well in spite of it, but YOU SEE YOUR CHILD SEIZE...that is painful...bottom line! You don't have to feel guilty or like your pain is less tangible, just because he is not affected as bad as others. All of our journey's are unique in their own, and we all go through the motions of this seizures saturated existence. You can feel's o.k.
That of course is coming from me who has been in the gutter alot lately! :)

Anyways...I am glad God is speaking to your heart and lifting you when needed.

I guess it is a good thing you don't live here in Seattle...if weather brings you down this is not the place to be!

Will be praying for your family....and better weather!

Jonathan said...

What beautiful kids!

And that's coming from a mommy who has some of her own!


Heather said...

I love that billboard sign ... I needed that today.Return email coming your way ....