First of all the Tat... Allison has been wanting to do this for some time. She felt she wanted a permanent reminder of what not only Dawson has been through, but what God has done in our lives through this ordeal. Although its not for me ( at least not right now) I fully support her wanting to do this because of the meaning it gives.. An epilepsy awareness ribbon draped over the cross is just perfect!! For those of you who know Allison and didn't think she was capable of getting a tattoo... SURPRISE!!! lol
Now on to the copycat...
This past week has just been incredible. Dawson has been making slow but steady progress developmentally since the seizures stopped 173 days ago.. But this past week we have seen an EXPLOSION of speech from Dawson. He literally copies everything that is being said in the house.. Doesn't matter who's saying it.. he hears it and repeats it pretty much word for word.. Its as though his brain is on rapid fire with speech right now and of course we are thrilled!!! Its just amazing how well he is talking and everything he is saying.. God is certainly good right??!!!!
God has literally delivered us from Infantile Spasms, seizures, severe behavior problems, and everything associated with this terrible disorder... Allison is correct, the further we are from those days, the easier it is to.... not forget... but to discard and not think about it. I think we should always think about it. Remembering how bad things were helps us to put focus on just how awesome God truly is..
Maybe i will get a matching one... sorry mom!!
Tomorrow takes us to Huntsville to see his Neuro for a visit.. No problems, just a scheduled visit. Our chance to show them how wonderful he's doing!
Thank you again for your prayers, we certainly continue to pray for all of you whos children suffer still... We will not cease our prayers for you.. ever!!
Love to all
Rejoicing in all the amazing things that seizure freedom has brought for your sweet guy.It really and truly is incredible.Get some of that mimicking on tape,would you?Need to see the little man in all his wondrous glory!Slow and steady is the the best mantra,ever,by the way!
Allison,love the tat.Have two myself.Not from my wild teen/younger years but my after Zoey the beautiful came blazing into our lives,time.One on my foot.Night before her heart surgery,did it on a whim.A dove with an olive branch ... peace and the Holy Spirit.And then,again,last minute,on my way home from the hospital during chemo days,the night before her release for the last time.On my wrist too.An ambigram it's called ... says faith in one direction and hope when you look at it from the other direction.Never a regret,on either.Proud of them.And loving yours.Wear it proud.
Good luck at the appointment and continued love and prayers from California.
Awesome! Love the tattoo and it what it represents! Also, love to hear all the good things coming to Dawson!
173 days!!! Wow...amazing!!! And the explosion of speech...that is so wonderful.
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