Once again, sorry for such a delay in posting. In this case, no news is good news!! Dawson continues to truck along and is doing better than ever!! Speech is incredible!! His communication skills literally grow every day now. Hes asking questions, saying sentences, telling us what he wants.... Its just incredible what a brain that isn't seizing can do.
drum roll please.......
We are finally potty training!!!!!!!!! yessssssssssssss He is doing number 1 on the big potty on a regular basis and is even asking to go potty. We are finally on our way. God has certainly blessed us. Weve seen the worst of times and now were seeing the best of them.
Please dont misunderstand me. For some it might seem as though we are bragging.. We are not.. There are people out there who read this blog who child is seizing right at this moment. Our hearts remain with you all. Allison and I were watching a video just last night of a little girl in the midst of a horrible seizure. We both just sat in complete silence as tears ran down our faces watching this beautiful little girl. We remember all too well what thats like. Seizures forever etched in our minds. To me there is nothing worse. Our prayers continue with those who continue to suffer constant attacks from the seizure monster.
But people DO need to hear that Infantile Spasms ARE beatable. People need to know about the fight AND the victory!!
Today is day 235 with no seizures and my son, who was robbed of the ability to communicate or think just counted to 15 and asked for us to give him pizza..
Praise be to God!!
From a mom whose daughter is still having daily seizures after having almost half her brain removed, I need to read post like this. It fills me with joy. And also hope. I am so happy for you, your family and especially Dawson. Keep counting those days and keep the good news coming :)
Great news! We are SO happy for you guys...and Dawson. It's good to hear about happy endings. In the beginning when Reagan was first diagnosed, we really clung to those accounts. Unfortunately, in reality, true happy endings are few and far between. You are truly blessed.
Great update! Love you guys and so proud of Big D!!!!!
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