After an extremely long wait in the Doctors office we finally got to go back there. The nurse came in and dilated his eyes and then sent us back out to the waiting room to wait some more.
We got called back again and the Doctor came in with a spinning light thingy to get his attention, and did the following test.........
He moved the light to the left and Dawson looked to the left..... He moved the light up and Dawson looked up......... he moved the light to the right and Dawson looked to the right......Then for the final move he moved the light down and Dawson looked down.. The Doctor then looks at us and says the following " Yeah, he can see pretty good"
So we drove down to Birmingham and back to find out that Dawson can see!!!
The good news is is that he said that he has some of his patients that are on Vigabatrin and NONE of them have any vision problems whatsoever from taking the drug. That part was encouraging but We were expecting a little more to be done i guess.
Tomorrow our travels take us back to Huntsville to see his Neurologist where we will start the new drug. Were praying hard that it works as he had a cluster on the way to Birmingham that had 27 seizures in it.
He wasn't bothered by them as the whole time he was trying to take his pacifier out of Allison's hand---which he was successful at. So we have learned to see what we want and go after it.
( new trick)
We will post when we get home from Huntsville and let you all know how the Vigabatrin is doing.
We love you
Jeff and Allison
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