Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday May 7th Update

Today has been another good seizure day. Let me rephrase that.... Any day that your child has seizures pretty much sucks, but if you have a child that suffers with seizures, and they only have one cluster of 3 seizures.... well, in my book thats a pretty good day.

Hopefully we are working our way back down to none.

Got a call from the Doctors office in Atlanta. They received all of our stuff that we had to fill out but wouldn't you know it, they have not received any of the stuff our Neuro is supposed to send. So of course that prompted an immediate phone call and the nurse said she had just got through faxing all of his medical records over to them. Hopefully SOON we will have an actual appointment date. I think we have been saying that for a week now.

Pray for us as the time draws near. We are not only nervous about the testing ( spinal tap & muscle biopsy) but this is pretty much our last step in finding out what exactly the cause is. If we don't get answers here, then we are pretty much stuck with the seizures and trying different meds to see what helps him the most. I am so glad that God is in control of this and we are not left to our own devices to work out on our own. If that was the case, we would have cracked a long time ago.

Your prayers and support have been, and continue to be a driving force for us. We thank you and love you all.

Jeff and Allison

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Wade Family,
I just wanted to let you know that the Gardner family is still thinking and praying for you. We check in on him daily and so glad to see a decrease in his seizures. We will continue to pray for the seizures to completely stop and safety and answers at your up coming trip to Atlanta. Please let us know if you need anything. I wish that we could see each other more!!

Love ya'll!
Laura Beth, Rob and Emma Kate