Thursday, October 30, 2008

Its been crazy busy

First of all I must say we are very sorry in such a long delay in posting.  We have been in the process of moving.  YUK!!  Not only are we moving but we are having to move the person who is living in the house we are moving into.  And if that weren't enough, while moving him this week we are also in the middle of remodeling the same house. Soooooo. As of tonight he is officially moved and we will be officially moving Saturday.   This has been in the works for quite some time and we are both glad it is finally materializing.  There is lots of work to be done ( and we are already exhausted)  So that's why we haven't posted in a while.  Sorry.    As soon as we get moved well take some pics and share.  The house is great and it has 7 acres of land with it so we will have plenty of room to move about. 

Dawson is continuing to do just wonderful.  He is standing in place for long periods of time without holding onto anything.  He is so ready to walk. He just doesn't know he can yet.  I'm going to bet within a week he will be taking his first steps.  Well see how close I am.

He still cutting a lot of teeth at one time and he has moments where you can really tell they are bothering him.  A few fussy spells and then hes back to happy baby again.  

Say a prayer for us this weekend as were moving.  Its been a stress filled week so far and were hoping for a smooth transition into the new house.   

Thank you so much for checking in.  We'll try hard not to wait so long to post again.

Our love to all
Jeff and Allison


DanyWhit said...

Glad you guys are finally getting to move in. This has been a long time coming! Moving is not fun, I feel for you. Stay safe and good luck!


Monica~ James~ Connor said...

Moving really stinks! I'm very jealous of the 7 acres though...if it has a pond you better watch out...I may have to send my hubby to live with you. ha ha ha! He loves to fish & hunt so he would be in Heaven. Hope that you get moved in very soon.

Reagan Leigh said...

I know you've been extremely busy with moving but thank you for taking the time to stop by and offer some words of encouragement to us!! You have been such a rock of support to us and we are so thankful for that! Congratulations on your new house (and 7 acres)!! I'm jealous...we've been wanting to move for a while...but I'm afraid it's just not financially feasible right now. I know how chaotic moving can be...hope you get out of boxes soon! Take care.