Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Finally out of boxes...well, for the most part anyway

We have done it, we are out of boxes. There are a few small random boxes, mostly with stuff that just needs to be tossed out anyway. We all like the new house. Madison said to me tonight, "Mom, this house is so big, I can't even find you!" It was too cute. We are still making the much needed improvements. The kitchen and the kids room are the only ones that are close to being finished. It will just take time, time in between jobs and kids, which isn't much. Oh well, we are still so happy to be here none the less.

Dawson continues to do well. When I dropped him off at my parents yesterday and had turned to leave, I heard "Bye Bye" from behind me. I turned, thinking that it had to have been Madison, but she was still in on the couch, it was Dawson. He said Bye Bye clear as a bell. I tried to get him to say it again, but he just stared at me. He won't do it when you try to get him to, it has to be on his own time.

He still isn't walking. He will stand up on his own and stand forever but just won't take a step. I have been hearing for the past few weeks, "Yep, he'll be walking next week!" Nope, Jeff he won't, he just isn't ready.

We have been using the Melatonin for the past week and he sleeps better, not great, but better. Any improvement is good, so I can't complain. I have not dosed him in the middle of the night yet, only before bed. I just give him less then half of the max recommended dose so that I could dose him later if needed. He sleeps really soundly for the first half of the night and then usually wakes twice in the early morning hours, but goes back to sleep really easily. This morning he woke up early, about 5:30am. He did not go back to sleep. I had to get up to shower and he cried most of the time while I was in there. Sorry Jeff, no one would do but momma this morning, poor guy.

Today is Ashlyn's 10th birthday!!! Happy Birthday Ashlyn!!!! We can't believe she is ten, double digits. She already seems so grown up. She is playing basketball this year and her team is undefeated so far---Go Jaguars!!

Thanks for checking in on our family. We love you all and appreciate all the support.



DanyWhit said...

Glad things are going well. Just curious what Dawson weighs now? I haven't asked lately. I know he was a big boy, so that's probably just normal that he isn't walking yet. He'll get there. Post us some pics of the new house. I need your new address, too. Take care, talk to you soon!

Love ya,

Reagan Leigh said...

So glad to hear everything is going well. I have to admit I was a tad nervous when I heard you were taking him off his meds...I hope this was a joint decision between you and his doctors. Although I really appreciate the faith aspect of it, I do believe sometimes God heals through the medications. He'll be walking (and getting into everything) before you know it!!! Take care,

Heather said...

Hi dear friends.Thank you for your prayers and support.We feel it and it sustains us.Right back at you,across the miles, straight to home, sweet home, Alabama.