Sunday, September 20, 2009

Noahs ark

If anybody has one of these started please let me know. I have some kids and a few animals I would like to bring aboard.....

Will it ever stop raining??

So the latest scoop on Dawson is as follows:

Seizures are a little better but no other seizure free days since the last post.

Mood is definitely improved with only a few outburst here and there and they don't last quite as long.

We are completly weened off of Keppra ( thank God)

We have reached Maximum dosage of Lamictal.

Still on the same dosage of Topamax.

And we have a Neuro visit in Huntsville tomorrow. ( Should be interesting and well let everybody know.)

In the meantime Dawson and Madison have become quite the little buddies. I mean, they always have been, but they spend HOURS playing together now and are having the best fun. Its awesome to watch!!

So that's about it for us for now. Like I said, well let everybody in on what his Doctor says when we get back tomorrow.

God bless and we love you all

Jeff and Allison


Heather said...

Will be thinking of you tomorrow.Zoey has a oncology clinic visit tomorrow as well ... won't it be nice when a day comes when we can both just do some run of the mill well checks?Heaven it will be.Praying for the big,handsome 2 year old ... such a doll.Love from California.

Danielle said...

One of THE most beautiful things for watching my kiddos play together. Lovingly. ;)
