Friday, March 19, 2010

Dawson "the goat"

Somebody please tell me my seizure boy is not the only one who does this...

I have AFFECTIONATELY ( that was for Allison) nicknamed Dawson... The Goat

The reason why?? Its not because he eats good. Although his eating and appetite have been pretty good of late. Its because he eats EVERYTHING... Most people with a 2 1/2 year old would kill to get rid of the pacifier..Me?? As long as I see a pacifier in his mouth, it means nothing harmful can go in... So its a safety blanket for me and him both. HA!!

Dawson, because of seizures, has always been very orally fixated on things.. he always has something in his mouth.. Paci, toothbrush, fingers, shirt, etc, etc. But what gets him his affectionate nickname is... Kleenex, napkins, balloons, those elastic hair thingys that girls use to put their hair up, tape,plastic, Blue felt tip markers ( that one was fun!) sucker sticks,rocks, and anything else that will fit into his mouth. He always spits it right out on command but I'm really hoping this will pass with age. As he gets older, his mouth will get bigger!! which opens up a whole new variety of goat edible type things...

Still having a stretch of good days.. The other day only one seizure was seen which is a huge improvement, although it was followed the next day with about 10... Very frustrating!! Dawson is becoming increasingly better at coming and telling us what he wants as opposed to fussing about it while we play mind guessing games... His favorite request are cookies, juice, and suckers.. Not the best diet i know but Hey we are trying to reward him for actually saying words and communicating.. His meltdowns are minimal now compared to what they were even a month ago. God has blessed us with a beautiful boy who has the sweetest personality ( although Madison would disagree at times) and he has also blessed us with Madison who watches over him like a hawk and will do anything for her brother!! ( which makes me wonder if some of the "goat" items are coming from her??? HA!!!

Beautiful weather has arrived as of yesterday and Dawson absolutely LOVES playing outdoors. Chasing the puppy, playing in the dirt, running up and down hills, and eating sticks and rocks!!

Hope all of you have a great weekend and we are truly thankful for those who check in and pray for our family... Please spend some time meditating and praying for
Hudson,Regan, and Landon. I know ALL these kids need lots of prayer time but these 3 specifically continue to weigh very heavily on our minds..

Love to all of you!!


Anonymous said...

As a parent with a two and a half year old I think some of the eating stuff goes with the territory. My son puts fuzz and hair in his mouth (gross huh?). He doesn't eat it he just puts it in his mouth and then gags and says "yuck". But then give him time and he'll do it again. I have yet to figure that one out, but I have another friend whose daughter eats sand. So don't worry you are not alone (they do it seizures or not).

Danielle said...

All of my kids were oral. But's NOT the same! Trevor is turning three next week...and I'm constantly pulling bitty things out of his mouth just in the nick of time! It's not just random chewing on things. It's constant all day long chewing on things. It's not the same as typically developing kids. I've had two seizure boy.

Our EI OT bought him a chewy tube. It helps. But's mostly the paci for Trevy too.

Does Dawson like crunchy stuff? Trevy LOVES it. And I find if he has a little bowl of cheerios during helps give him that oral feedback but also keep his mouth somewhat free for speech.

Anyway...all that to say...I've got a goat too! :)


Landon Michael said...

Landon loves loves loves his hand...if his hand isn't in the mouth it's a blanket!!! I only can imagine what it will be once he can grab and move to get objects!! However, he doesn't like the pacifier?? Odd, huh? Glad the warm weather has finally come your way!!! We are still enjoying the 60-70's here! We have taken Landon to the park almost every day...he loves the baby swings!! Hope all is well...praying for you every day! We will call in the next few days for a chat!

Debbie said...

I love the title...was wondering where this was leading!

Don't have much advice for ya...I wish Hudson knew he had hands to put stuff in his mouth, and my other 2 were just too typical and never had super oral fixations...OH WAIT...
I take that back...How do you get a now 6 year old to stop sucking her thumb?????

Thanks for all your prayers for our little means the world...we totally feel all of those going to God on Hudson's behalf.

It feels soooooo good to be home!!!!