Wednesday, March 24, 2010


We've been kicking around this cold back and forth to each other for a little while now. We thought Dawson was going to be lucky and miss it but Nope. He started sounding gunky and you could tell the past few days he just has not been himself. More clingy, more fussy, and just wants to sit and be held. So after a night of horrible sounding coughs,and a visit to the Dr, Dawson has the croup.

Hopefully he will get over it quickly because unlike Madison ( who you could never tell was ever sick) Dawson is not a very good patient. We've gotten spoiled and grown accustomed to Happy Dawson.. Hopefully he will get back to his old self soon.

As a side note, we have a meeting scheduled with our school system on March 31st to see if Dawson can get into special needs school here. I'm kinda torn on this because Dawson has fought so hard to overcome all these obstacles. Seizures too many to count, and yet his only delay is speech. Yes there are some behavioral issues that need addressed as well, but as I have mentioned before those are 100% better since weening down Keppra. But the other side of that is, if he can get in, he will get one on one therapy ( including speech which he really needs) so I'm leaning towards hoping he qualifies. Its the best thing for him right now. Say some prayers for us regarding this matter please. Also pray that Dawson kicks this illness very quickly!!

Thanks for stopping in to see how were doing!!

Love u all

Jeff and Allison


Danielle said...

The education saga is SO draining! I'll be praying peace over you guys as you make these choices for Dawson.


Heather said...

Hey ... look at the new look!Love it.Kinda strange though,as I have been visiting the old look for 2 years now.Can you believe it?

Hoping Dawson kicks this thing quick.Sorry he is less then a stellar patient ... what is it with you men?Kidding.

As for school .. tough decisions but i am certain,as with all the decisions you have made on your journey,with not only Dawson but the others,you'll pray about it and trust in the direction.

The really cool thing is, that now a days,most of the schools have a mixture of a classroom.Meaning typical kids with children with varying levels of needs in there as well.You should see Zoey's classroom ... looks just like any other classroom.Just like the schools my other children went to.Really darling.

Sorry the seizures are still hanging around ... but i love the blog title ... Dawson will prevail ... we will pray it to be so.

Love from California.