First A quick word about Ashlynn.
She is doing remarkably well. Her blood/sugar numbers are still running on the high side but they are working on getting her insulin doses dialed in.. Its a tricky game!! the big thing is that she is giving herself her own shots. and has been since about day 3 of her diagnosis. I can't even begin to try to explain with words how PROUD of her I am. I sat in awe the other evening at supper as she prepared her insulin pen, and then injected herself with insulin in her stomach.. I never in a million years thought she would be doing that this early in the game... She is a brave and she is strong
Katelin continues to do really well with her diabetes management as well. Proud of both of those girls
Now on to Dawson..
I would love to report that since starting the modified version of the modified Atkins diet that we have seen remarkable changes in seizure activity. The truth is that if anything they have gotten worse.. Very very frustrating to watch this go on and not get any better no matter what you do. We are so ready for a break from seizure. His development has come to an absolute standstill and its just heartbreaking.
The other evening at dinner, it hit me just how crazy our lives are getting to be... Katlein was eating one thing and we were trying to figure up carbs for her... Ashlyn was eating another thing and we were busy counting and figuring carbs for her... And then Dawson was having a seizure now and again in between all that.. Counting carbs, units of insulin, and seizures....
But we made it. we survived. Thats what we do around here. This is our New normal and although we don't welcome it with open arms we DO look forward to seeing where God will take us with this.. What an adventure!!
3 of my kids are fighting a battle that requires their attention every single day from the time they wake, until the time they sleep. Probably for the rest of their lives. But tonight, my kids are healthy in spite of it all.. And for that I praise God!!
Your thoughts and prayers for my family over this past week are much appreciated.
We love you all
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010

What a 24 hours!! I'm exhausted, i am mentally and emotionally drained, behind closed doors ( and once on the side of the road) Ive cried buckets of tears and for tonight all i want to do is sleep.
Ashlyn had been sick for a few days, went to the doctor with a bad looking throat and tongue and was being treated for strep throat. She was even a little puny when she was over here with me this past weekend but not much to worry about. I got the call Yesterday morning that Ashlyn was being admitted to the hospital here locally due to dehydration... Sounded a little odd because she had only thrown up a handful of times over the past few days.. I went to see her on my lunch break yesterday and what I saw laying in that hospital bed didn't even resemble my daughter.. She had lost a lot of weight ( and shes already a skinny girl) her eyes were sunken, her cheek bones poking out, she could barely keep awake, she was breathing very heavily and if I have ever seen a sick sick child, this was it.. I visited for a bit and headed back to work... Knowing in my gut that something was severely wrong with her... You just don't look that sick because of a virus, or strep throat... I was on my way back to work when i got the call..
Her blood sugar was 916 ( normal blood sugar range is 80-180) and she was in Diabetic Ketoacidosis. I was told she was being life flighted from our hospital to Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tennessee...... I never ever expected this... Most of you already know my 8 year old Katelin is in her second year of living with Type 1 diabetes and now the thoughts of Ashlyn having to endure this were just completely overwhelming for me... Infantile Spasms, and two diabetic children??? are you kidding me!!!!
Ashlyn had probably already arrived before I was even able to leave town and her mom was en route as well.. I know what she looked like before she left, and I could only pray she would make it to Vanderbilt in time to get help... Instantly the phone calls and prayers started flooding in as word spread through our network of family and friends and God delivered her safely and thank you to the wonderful people at Vanderbilt who has been taking wonderful, top notch care of her.
When I arrived, she was in PICU and they were busy stabilizing her and already had her on and insulin drip. Her blood sugar was in the 400's and they were busy getting her fluids and getting vitals back within human limits again. By the time we went to bed last night her blood sugars were back within normal ranges and this morning when I saw her she looked just like my Ashlyn again.. Feeling better but still very tired and weak.
Tonight she was taken out of the PICU unit and placed in a regular room with plans on coming home tomorrow with a new friend for life....... Juvenile Diabetes. Please pray for her and its slowly but surly starting to sink in with her whats happening.. This is going to be difficult for Ashlyn and all of us. A very big pill indeed for an 11 year old girl to swallow. She has been taken off of her insulin drip and started getting her shots today.. She will get insulin injections at every meal and at bedtime.. I have to be honest... I never realized just how tough Ashlyn is. This past 24 hours she has shown incredible bravery and toughness and although we all are sorry she has to endure this, we are at the same time extremely proud at how hard she fought and how well she is doing..
I had a very long talk with God during the trip alone to Nashville and I have to say that i was not very receptive at all to this new journey, this new path. I don't understand it, I don't get it at all. Why my family?? why my children?? I feel as though Im being drug out to deeper waters and i didn't even have time to grab a life jacket... Another lesson in faith?? trust???
Another attack from the enemy??? Lots to process!!
Tonight i am thankful to God for restoring my daughters health.. I pray that she will learn through this,to lean heavily on him during the difficult times she is sure to face. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers for Ashlyn and my family as we begin yet another adventure
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Three out of Four
Today Jeff's oldest daughter, Ashlyn, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. They are at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital and I will be joining them tomorrow. Please pray for Ashlyn and for my dear husband, this is the third out of four children to be diagnosed with a serious disorder. He is emotionally drained and feeling a little overwhelmed. Ashlyn is doing better and should be able to leave on Saturday. The families are well versed in the care of a diabetic child, so that gives us a little bit of an upper hand. We turn to God for guidance and strength during this difficult time and just ask for your prayers. Thank You for your love and support.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Godly intervention
I love these kind of stories!!!
Because of Dawson's special needs we have really struggled with being able to go to church and be actively involved. Dawson cant sit through the service with us because he doesn't understand he has to be quiet. When you try to make him be quiet that in return makes him mad, which is even a worse situation. So usually when we do go as a family, one us sits in church and the other wanders around outside with Dawson. Lots of fun right??
A few Sundays ago I mentioned to mom about the possibility of the church providing an " aid " for Dawson during church hours. Somebody who would be there with him, just for him. Somebody who understands exactly what his needs are and can be there with him the entire time. I mean after all, I can't very well just take him down to the nursery, say " Hi there, this is Dawson, hes probably going to be a big hand full, your probably going to have to ignore the rest of the children in the class and hold him the entire time, Oh and by the way, hes probably going to have several seizures while hes here too.. See ya in two hours"
So mom talks to the children's director who immediately sprang into action trying to find an aid who would volunteer to come every Sunday and be with Dawson. I have to admit, although impressed with her resolve, that I wasn't completely optimistic about her actually finding somebody who would volunteer their time to do this every Sunday morning. God has once again proved just how little I know, and how he provides for our needs when we turn to him!!
The children's director called the University and spoke with one of the professors who teaches childhood education. Told him of our situation and asked him to ask his students if anybody was interested in doing this. One girl volunteered and went the next day to meet the children's director who in turn called me to happily tell me she had found somebody who wanted to do this. That was yesterday, and today I called the girl, who in turn came by our house this evening to meet and hang out with Dawson. She is a senior and majoring in childhood education and wants to be a kindergarten teacher here. She was truly excited for the opportunity to be with Dawson and we couldn't have been more impressed with her. She is our kind of people!!
As a matter of fact she is coming over tomorrow to do some actual babysitting so that Dawson will be even more comfortable while around her Sunday. Just another way God has intervened and provided... Every time i doubt, God says yeah well watch this!!
Thanks mom for getting the ball rolling!! Thanks Stephanie for all your efforts. God has used you in a mighty way to minister to our family!! And to Jordan, volunteering to sit with a special needs child every Sunday for two hours....... what can i say to that??? WOW!!!
Please continue your prayers for Dawson. Lots of seizures today!!
Love to all
Jeff and Allison
Because of Dawson's special needs we have really struggled with being able to go to church and be actively involved. Dawson cant sit through the service with us because he doesn't understand he has to be quiet. When you try to make him be quiet that in return makes him mad, which is even a worse situation. So usually when we do go as a family, one us sits in church and the other wanders around outside with Dawson. Lots of fun right??
A few Sundays ago I mentioned to mom about the possibility of the church providing an " aid " for Dawson during church hours. Somebody who would be there with him, just for him. Somebody who understands exactly what his needs are and can be there with him the entire time. I mean after all, I can't very well just take him down to the nursery, say " Hi there, this is Dawson, hes probably going to be a big hand full, your probably going to have to ignore the rest of the children in the class and hold him the entire time, Oh and by the way, hes probably going to have several seizures while hes here too.. See ya in two hours"
So mom talks to the children's director who immediately sprang into action trying to find an aid who would volunteer to come every Sunday and be with Dawson. I have to admit, although impressed with her resolve, that I wasn't completely optimistic about her actually finding somebody who would volunteer their time to do this every Sunday morning. God has once again proved just how little I know, and how he provides for our needs when we turn to him!!
The children's director called the University and spoke with one of the professors who teaches childhood education. Told him of our situation and asked him to ask his students if anybody was interested in doing this. One girl volunteered and went the next day to meet the children's director who in turn called me to happily tell me she had found somebody who wanted to do this. That was yesterday, and today I called the girl, who in turn came by our house this evening to meet and hang out with Dawson. She is a senior and majoring in childhood education and wants to be a kindergarten teacher here. She was truly excited for the opportunity to be with Dawson and we couldn't have been more impressed with her. She is our kind of people!!
As a matter of fact she is coming over tomorrow to do some actual babysitting so that Dawson will be even more comfortable while around her Sunday. Just another way God has intervened and provided... Every time i doubt, God says yeah well watch this!!
Thanks mom for getting the ball rolling!! Thanks Stephanie for all your efforts. God has used you in a mighty way to minister to our family!! And to Jordan, volunteering to sit with a special needs child every Sunday for two hours....... what can i say to that??? WOW!!!
Please continue your prayers for Dawson. Lots of seizures today!!
Love to all
Jeff and Allison
Friday, April 16, 2010
Busy little bees

We have been so busy!! its incredible all extra stuff that goes on once the weather gets nice... yard work, Allison and I working to death, softball, the list goes on and on!!
Quickly about Dawson because it feels as though im going to fall asleep while writing this...
Not too many changes in him.. We had a neuro visit last week and we are leaving his meds alone this time. The biggest change is in his diet... We are starting a modified version on the modified Atkins diet.. She feels as though going from one million carbs a day ( which is what he eats) to only 10 carbs a day is just too big of a leap and would make him extremely unhappy! ( WE AGREE)
so we are cutting out all sugar and all white flour products to start... So far its been pretty easy and he will heartily eat lots of different types of fruit such as strawberries, bananas, pineapples. loves salads and weve been able to find bread that fits into this diet as well... Well try this for a month and see what happens. I guess if nothing happens we will try taking more carbs away.. Well see
Please pray for success during this dieting period. We really need to get these seizures stopped. For the longest time Dawson has been age appropriate in all areas ( which is a miracle) but as he gets older.. were starting to see a pretty big gap between what hes doing and other kids his age are doing.. For me its heartbreaking. the words " special needs child" is being said more and more these days. His main special needs are speech and he seems to have some social/behavior issues as well.. Bottom line is we need seizure freedom. The seizure monster is literally stealing him away from us.. Im not satisfied that he can run, jump, throw, feed himself, say lots of words, play games, etc etc, its not enough!!! although we praise God for these miracles, its just not enough.. Early Intervention in our area is swamped and as of right now speech therapy is only happening once a month. Its not NEAR enough.. We are looking into other forms of getting him the help he needs. Unfortunately my insurance does not cover it and it will all be out of pocket. Great, yet another expense!! Well do whatever it takes though... He has to have more than once a month.
Hes an amazing little boy.. Full of fight. Full of life. He has overcome so much, but has so much more to overcome. We can only try to do what we know to be the best for him... The rest we leave totally up to God..
So please continue to pray. We need God to intervene and slay the seizure monster
Our love to all
Jeff and Alliosn
Friday, April 9, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Happy Easter!!
I love Easter!! I love the Spring time!! I love the fact that everything turns green again and comes to life. I love the fact that my savior is alive today. Not even death itself could hold him..
Happy Easter everybody. Wishing you all a blessed day of reflecting on a risen savior
Jeff and Family
Happy Easter everybody. Wishing you all a blessed day of reflecting on a risen savior
Jeff and Family
Thursday, April 1, 2010
School Meeting
The meeting with the school board wasn't exactly what i expected. We got to meet with them, but it was more of a gathering of information than anything else. Long story short they wont do the actual evaluation until he turns 3 which is in September. The program sounds ok so were hoping he qualifies.. Actually wait... I hope he doesn't qualify, because that would mean he has no developmental delays right?? Seriously though we do hope he qualifies because he does need help with speech if nothing else.
One thing Dawson has started doing is singing!! Mind you he doesn't sing the songs word for word but hes started singing. How fantastic!! I think his favorite song is the Blue's Clue's song. He does the hand motions and everything. We still celebrate and awe over every new thing he does. i don't think that will ever go away...
Tonight finds him running throughout the house chasing after Madison. He has that look in his eye that if he catches her there is going to be trouble, but God graced Madison with speed.. He knew she would need it!!!
Dawson has a hair cut appointment Saturday so we promise to put up some pics and videos after the little guy is looking dapper again. I know its been a while since we've shown him off but he is in pretty bad need of a haircut.
Thats about it for us.. Nothing new going on and we continue to pray God will once again grace us with seizure freedom. We will hold steadfast until he does.
Love to all of you
Jeff and Allison
One thing Dawson has started doing is singing!! Mind you he doesn't sing the songs word for word but hes started singing. How fantastic!! I think his favorite song is the Blue's Clue's song. He does the hand motions and everything. We still celebrate and awe over every new thing he does. i don't think that will ever go away...
Tonight finds him running throughout the house chasing after Madison. He has that look in his eye that if he catches her there is going to be trouble, but God graced Madison with speed.. He knew she would need it!!!
Dawson has a hair cut appointment Saturday so we promise to put up some pics and videos after the little guy is looking dapper again. I know its been a while since we've shown him off but he is in pretty bad need of a haircut.
Thats about it for us.. Nothing new going on and we continue to pray God will once again grace us with seizure freedom. We will hold steadfast until he does.
Love to all of you
Jeff and Allison
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