What a 24 hours!! I'm exhausted, i am mentally and emotionally drained, behind closed doors ( and once on the side of the road) Ive cried buckets of tears and for tonight all i want to do is sleep.
Ashlyn had been sick for a few days, went to the doctor with a bad looking throat and tongue and was being treated for strep throat. She was even a little puny when she was over here with me this past weekend but not much to worry about. I got the call Yesterday morning that Ashlyn was being admitted to the hospital here locally due to dehydration... Sounded a little odd because she had only thrown up a handful of times over the past few days.. I went to see her on my lunch break yesterday and what I saw laying in that hospital bed didn't even resemble my daughter.. She had lost a lot of weight ( and shes already a skinny girl) her eyes were sunken, her cheek bones poking out, she could barely keep awake, she was breathing very heavily and if I have ever seen a sick sick child, this was it.. I visited for a bit and headed back to work... Knowing in my gut that something was severely wrong with her... You just don't look that sick because of a virus, or strep throat... I was on my way back to work when i got the call..
Her blood sugar was 916 ( normal blood sugar range is 80-180) and she was in Diabetic Ketoacidosis. I was told she was being life flighted from our hospital to Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tennessee...... I never ever expected this... Most of you already know my 8 year old Katelin is in her second year of living with Type 1 diabetes and now the thoughts of Ashlyn having to endure this were just completely overwhelming for me... Infantile Spasms, and two diabetic children??? are you kidding me!!!!
Ashlyn had probably already arrived before I was even able to leave town and her mom was en route as well.. I know what she looked like before she left, and I could only pray she would make it to Vanderbilt in time to get help... Instantly the phone calls and prayers started flooding in as word spread through our network of family and friends and God delivered her safely and thank you to the wonderful people at Vanderbilt who has been taking wonderful, top notch care of her.
When I arrived, she was in PICU and they were busy stabilizing her and already had her on and insulin drip. Her blood sugar was in the 400's and they were busy getting her fluids and getting vitals back within human limits again. By the time we went to bed last night her blood sugars were back within normal ranges and this morning when I saw her she looked just like my Ashlyn again.. Feeling better but still very tired and weak.
Tonight she was taken out of the PICU unit and placed in a regular room with plans on coming home tomorrow with a new friend for life....... Juvenile Diabetes. Please pray for her and its slowly but surly starting to sink in with her whats happening.. This is going to be difficult for Ashlyn and all of us. A very big pill indeed for an 11 year old girl to swallow. She has been taken off of her insulin drip and started getting her shots today.. She will get insulin injections at every meal and at bedtime.. I have to be honest... I never realized just how tough Ashlyn is. This past 24 hours she has shown incredible bravery and toughness and although we all are sorry she has to endure this, we are at the same time extremely proud at how hard she fought and how well she is doing..
I had a very long talk with God during the trip alone to Nashville and I have to say that i was not very receptive at all to this new journey, this new path. I don't understand it, I don't get it at all. Why my family?? why my children?? I feel as though Im being drug out to deeper waters and i didn't even have time to grab a life jacket... Another lesson in faith?? trust???
Another attack from the enemy??? Lots to process!!
Tonight i am thankful to God for restoring my daughters health.. I pray that she will learn through this,to lean heavily on him during the difficult times she is sure to face. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers for Ashlyn and my family as we begin yet another adventure
Sending you all love and prayers of strength, for this new journey ... hearty stock your Bama family is made of.I have seen it with my own eyes.I have no doubt you all will find your way,with your faith at the helm,steering this ship.I certainly don't have the answers as to why but I do know,just as you do, that He will carry you past your uncertainties.
Much love from California.
Hi Jeff...
I am so sorry your daughter has had to endure this hardship and you have to witness yet another child suffer health issues.
I want you to know that although it may feel like God has given you too much, He will walk you through, every step, if you allow Him.
In my situation, I have questioned so much, why I get more and more added to my plate...I remind myself God knows the big picture, he will navigate us through the stormy waters, He will shield us from the enemy, He will turn all to good and it will glorify him!
Keep talking to our Father who cares and loves more than we can imagine...he will fill you up, and give you what you need to get through this transitional time. Remember...it's o.k to question, be angry, shake your fist, question...this is part of being in relations with anyone...it's when we stop talking and turn off that communication, that we turn our backs on our Father. So keep talking to Him!
My heart aches for your little girl and for your family. I will pray for all of you and that she will adjust to the changes in her life.
A very smart friend told me once...
that I must really be saved because of all the attacks in my life...think you are right there with me my friend!
God Bless...Deb
I'm SO sorry, Jeff...
I am soooo sorry to hear about everything going on! We are keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers! I can't describe how my heart breaks for all your family is going through! I always say God only gives what you can handle...is seems he has given way more than anyone deserves, but I'm sure you will find the strength. Prayers are coming your way!
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