Things around here have returned to at least some type of normalcy. Ashlyn is following in her sisters footsteps with controlling her diabetes and continues to show off her bravery. ( the picture above is Ashlyn and Katelin featured on the front page of our local newspaper. There was a nice article about them and dealing with diabetes) I have been such the proud daddy and showing them off to everybody i can think of.
Not much change in Dawson unfortunately. He is progressing, but at a VEERERRYYYYY slow pace. But progression is progression and well take it. Not satisfied, but well take it considering the alternative. I have to keep reminding myself that although this year has shown there are some delays, he is still a walking, talking miracle to me. When you think about the statictics and what he SHOULD be like..... He is still a miracle. He has numerous seizures daily and his two biggest delays are speech and social/behavioural issues. Other than that, you could never tell anything was going on with him at all. We still pray constantly for God's healing hand to touch our son and heal him of these seizures forever.. My faith tells me that one day will happen. The peace he gives us while we wait in indescribable. Sure, there are frustrations, setbacks, and even anger sometimes that we cant do "normal" things like going out to eat, going to church, going and watching the girls play softball, even going to Walmart is an issue because of the behavioral issues. But underneath all of those emotions, lies peace...
Were not sure what the next steps are for Dawson. The preliminary diet his Neuro put us on seemed to make seizures worse. I know that makes no sense, but the numbers tell the story. I know they made his behavior worse because now he couldnt eat all the things he wanted and Dawson doesn't do anger well.... at all!!!!
Please continue to pray for us as we continue to muddle our way through this horrible seizure world and all the nasty stuff that comes with it.
Pics above are Mommy and kids on mothers day and some pics of Dawson with his hat. He has started to love wearing hats
( as long as he can wear the backwards) what a cutie huh???
Thanks for the love and prayers
Jeff and Allison
1 comment:
Your family is filled with strength and endurance...your girls and Dawson are proof of this!
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