Just amazing how resilient kids are. Way far more than I am now a days. Just one week ago, Ashlyn was lying in a hospital bed recovering after being life flighted to Vanderbilt Hospital. And today, not only is her ravenous appetite back, eating us out of house and home, but today we resume horseback riding. Watching her ride today really made my heart smile because I know how truly happy she is when she is riding.
Congrats Ashlyn for not only recuperating so quickly but for being so very resilient!!
In other news......................... wait for it..........................
Mr Dawson slept in his new bed, in his own room, and just did fantastic!!
Since Dawson no longer has clusters seizures after waking we decided wed go buy him a bed, put it in his room, and see how it goes. He has been sleeping with Allison and I every night since the seizures started at two months old. His seizures were Always centered around going in and coming out of sleep so we have always kept him right in our sights so we can monitor and count seizures.. My bed felt a lot bigger last night without Dawson in it.. YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
Hopefully he will continue to do well sleeping in his room. He only woke up twice last night which we thought was pretty good for a first time. Seizures continue to be awful. Yesterday was a not so good day as by the time he went to bed the seizure count was up to 16.. Please continue your prayers for this beautiful kid. He is so amazing, and he too has shown incredible resiliency. Is it obvious were proud of our kiddos??!! ha
Our love to you all
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