Hope everybody had a great 4th of July. Allison and Madison and I went to hang out and watch some fireworks. We wanted to take Dawson but he usually starts going downhill later in the evening. Since the fireworks started at 9:00 ( which it typically past his bedtime) we decided to leave him behind with Grampy so that Madison could really enjoy the show.. Maybe next year little buddy!!!
Our summer days seems to have been packed full the past couple of weeks. Working, kids, yard work, gardening so on and so forth.. just busy doing life stuff. Our favorite time has been late in the evening when it starts to cool off just a little. Every evening we all get outside, Madison and Dawson ride in their Jeep, we pick the garden, tool around in the yard, pick blueberries and whatever else yummy we can find. Dawson really really enjoys being outdoors. If only we could get a break from this awful heat!! Its been miserable hot and the rest of the week doesn't look any better... If you enjoy upper 90's and humidity... then this is a wonderful place HA
Overall, Dawson has been doing really good. Mood is off and on as usual but the good days are out weighing the bad days by a ton... He has "moments" during the day ( usually in the morning) where he just gets all out of sorts but as the day goes on he gets better and better until its sleepy time. Developmentally he continues to progress. Its a slow pace but as i have said before, as long as were progressing and not regressing we will take it. He talking continues to improve and is able to put words together more and more easily.. We have been stuck on one word at at time mode for so long and we are all very excited to see his vocabulary expand like it has been doing. We have always been so proud ( as most of you know) of Dawson and how he has fought tooth and nail to overcome all these nasty side effects of seizures and meds.. We are so very very proud of him!!
He is currently on 3 different seizure meds. Banzel, Keppra ( very low does) and Zonegran. I can't imagine having all three of those drugs in my body.. Talk about brain scrambling!!! and then throw in a bunch of seizures on top of that??? You can see why we are so proud of him that he is progressing developmentally.
Speaking of seizures... Dawson's seizure patterns have been very random. Single seizures scattered throughout the day. A concern that we have is the fact that over the past few weeks we have been seeing clusters of seizures again.. It just makes my heart sick!! Granted he hasn't been doing it a lot, but we were really really really hoping we were past the clusters of seizures days.. There is nothing harder on this earth to do than sit and count seizures during a cluster.. I think during his last cluster he had 20 something seizures. It's just heartbreaking and the seizure monster pulled a fast one on us.. I hate the seizure monster. If only I could meet this beast face to face........ Instead he plays like a coward and hides in the brains of these innocent little children. I hate seizures... and I hate what they do to children and their families.
BUT... I love God.. and he is so much mightier than a million seizure monsters. I don't know why Dawson has seizures. I DO know that its not because of lack of prayer.. Oh there has been prayer.. Days and days and hours and hours of prayers. I have never prayed harder for anything in my life.. So if we have been praying, and he continues to have seizures, then that leaves me to believe there is purpose in all this. As a matter of fact, Im convinced of it. If my son having seizures, can be used to glorify him, even in the tiniest way... then I am all for it.. All that is left for us to do is be obedient and search for his will in all of this.. The truth is, most days I find that very difficult to do. As a father, its almost impossible to watch your own child suffer like this.. But I have found that on the hardest days, if i be very still and quiet, I can hear his voice in all of this and it comforts me, it brings me peace. In those moments, all of this seems to make sense.. Its impossible for me to explain other than the fact there is peace and purpose. A story waiting to be told.. So we are along for the ride, trying to do the best for Dawson, trying to make the right decisions concerning his care and his future.... Yes God gave us the boat.... but were way over our heads here, so were letting him drive!
Thank you for your prayers for Dawson.. please continue to pray for our family
Jeff and Allison
Glad Dawson continues to amaze you in spite of seizures.
How I wish I could get a glimpse of development for H and his seizure riddled brain...it's just too much.
I agree with you though...
if Hudson is here to glorify God, as I believe he is, then whatever we see or don't see will be o.k.
Hard sometimes to stay in that mindset BUT I believe my boy is a lving angel!
Your garden looks like it is producing some great fruit and veggies...super-cool!
Glad your family is having a good summer.
In thought and prayer...
So proud to hear of Dawson's progress! I so admire your spiritual wisdom and the maturity of your faith walk...Oh, if I had been only half that far along when I was your age...(speaking of age I think this is a very special day for Grampy! Give him a squezze for me when you see him).
You are so right...He will indeed use this challenge for His glory and though it's hard to see right now, you all will indeed be blessed by it.
Listen again to Casting Crown's "I'll Praise You in This Storm"..."Once again I say amen and it's still raining...As the thunder rolls I can hear your voice calling through the rain--I'M with you!"...We'll Never stop praying for all of you!
Uncle Jim
Thanks for sending us your prayers. I follow your blog and we pray for you as well. I have a list on my blog titled others that need your prayers so I will add Dawson if that is ok. I know Dawson is older than Jadon but we seen to be in the same situation. I definitely know how you feel counting seizures. Sometimes I feel like thats all I do. I wanted to tell you that we started clobazam about a week ago. We haven't seen any change but it was very easy to get the medicine. My neurologist faxed the script to Canada and then they called us and mailed it to us. It cost us $47 but the dr. wrote a high prescription so it will last of 3 months. We just cut the pill in fourths. I can send you the pharmacy info if your neurologist wants to go ahead and start this medicine. Thanks again for praying for Jadon. My email is monica.pailet@gmail.com
Beautiful soulful post...
I'm SO with ya. I know Trevy is in some ways such a miracle...but as time keeps moving it's daily clearer to see that the seizures he battled for so long have left their makr. But even though my heart breaks (selfishly probably...because Trevy is the happiest little guy!) I KNOW there is absolutely a purpose and plan for our kids...and there WILL BE HEALING! It just may not be here...
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