Were always looking for some excuse to eat something sweet.. Sooooooo...... Whether or not you know it, today has been deemed
" Just because I love you" day and we are celebrating " Just because I love you" day by eating a yummy cake!!
This weekend has been pretty good. Seizures since starting Banzel have been reduced to less than 10 a day where he was having double digit seizures on some days before. Not even close to where we want to be but better is better and we celebrate that. Maybe when we start doing some Banzel increases we will see marked improvement.. He is still having some of those seizures that hang on for a few seconds. I hate those and sometimes they almost knock him off his feet.. The seizures are impossible to predict so very random. I still believe that when he gets upset and has one of his little meltdowns, that that in itself can make him prone to having a seizure.. Here is an example....
He was doing fine.. the four of us were outside picking the garden we came inside to cool off and he brought me some drink mix out of the kitchen and i guess he thought he was going to get to eat it.. I told him no and asked him to take it back to the kitchen. He told me no and then started pinching me.. I told him not to pinch and he kept on. He got his little hand smacked for pinching and he goes into this huge screaming and fussing fit.. followed by a hard seizures and then sleep.... I think being that upset does indeed make him prone to having a seizure. But you can't get through the day without making him upset.. He still needs discipline, he needs to learn how to deal with not getting his way, he needs to understand how to process being told no so what do you do??? I HATE HATE HATE he has to go through this!!!
Talking is still improving praise God!! the other day at my moms he said " I'm ringing the bell" he said it again when she was over here telling me about it.. Its just unbelievable that we have spent so much time trying to get him to say two words together and here he goes skipping two and three words and going straight to the four word sentence. HA We are SO very proud of him and what he is accomplishing. We pray continuously his forward progress continues
God's hand has certainly been on him during his fight with the seizure monster. Please continue your prayers for Dawson and thank you so much!!
Love to all
Jeff and Allison
1 comment:
Helllllooo! I know it has been way to long! We should be home tomorrow from Philly again...HOPEFULLY we can catch up this weekend! We will try to give you a call once we are home and settled!!! Hope all is going well!
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