Friday, August 20, 2010

Blogger Buddy Award

Deb ( from one of my favorite blogs) has passed the blogger buddy award torch to me. I think the rules are that I am supposed to say 7 things about myself and then pass it on to somebody else.. Its much easier to talk about Dawson, but I am a good sport and will play along.

Debbie, thanks for thinking about me.

1. Im afraid of bats ( there are several night fishing stories that coincide with this)

2. I am an outdoors freak. I would rather be outdoors than anywhere

3. I am very musically inclined and play acoustic guitar as well as piano

4. My wife is 10 years younger than me.

5. Im a huge MMA fan

6. I have a bad track record for picking out pets. ( the ones I have picked out are either extremely dumb or have horrible emotional issues)

7. Two years ago I knocked over our Christmas tree trying to show a 10 year old how to do a cartwheel. ( Allison has yet to forgive me for the ornaments I broke) I guess when your 6'5 and weigh over 200 lbs,doing cartwheels in the house is NOT a god idea.

I am passing this on to Heather. She was actually the first person I got to know on here when I started doing this about two years ago. I have watched her beautiful daughter Zoey grow from a little baby into a beautiful little girl. Her story is amazing and I consider them as part of our extended family. So Heather, your up next.

This week has been a busy week for us. We had a neuro visit in Huntsville, we have started Clobazam, and Dawson has been evaluated this week to see if he qualifies to be in the special needs school in our area.. I will give a full update on all this before the weekend is out.

Hope everybody has a good one and we love you all


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