Interesting that Dawson found one of Madison's books that has different animal masks you can put on that coincide with the story line... Even more interesting that he chose the shark mask as his to don... Mind you these pictures were taken several weeks ago but the story line fits with whats been happening around here this weekend.
There is a shark in the house. Teeth sharp and shimmering, sleek and perfectly designed for swift destruction... Quietly swimming in the depths waiting.... lurking... waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And when that strike does happen the surface of our waters violently erupt, over and over until the kill is finished.. Sound a little dramatic??
well maybe just a little... but still...
Yesterday was an awful day for the D man.. He woke with those shark teeth showing and he attacked all day long. There was very little peace around here. He was having these horrible violent outburst. Attacking, attacking, and then would come back for more.. He would snuggle and settle momentarily and then out of nowhere, while cuddling with you, he would attack again. Reaching up and trying to hit and pinch whomever he would happen to be sitting with. Trying to bite things in half... You could just see the frustration. By days end my nerves and wits were completely shot. You can't help but feel badly for him. God only knows whats happening in his seizure riddled brain, scrambled by multiple seizure meds. The chaos that he must feel has to be unbearable to him at times. Yesterday was NOT a good day!!! As always, my prayers last night included prayers for peace for my son. As always, God knows exactly what our limits are, and blessed us with a much better day today. Allison had to work all day and Dawson was chilled and laid back as can be. He spent the day dragging stuff all through the house. Everything he could get his hands on. At one point I tried to pick up the mess but found that he was much faster at scattering stuff than I was at picking it up.. ( I must be getting slower in my older age HA ) Eventually I gave in and just let him be.. The house is a wreck but he had a good time.
Allison had to work today and the minute she walked in the door this evening the shark surfaced again and it was round two until he finally fell asleep just a few minutes ago.
Not sure what were going to do about all this. I know he can't help it. We have tried every form of encouragement, punishment, you name it and we have tried it... Ultimately we do whatever we have to do to help him get through the moment but I gotta tell ya, Im very nervous as to what the future my hold regarding these violent outburst.. I know he is fixing to turn 3 ( can you believe it!!) but what about when he's 5, when hes 9, what about when hes 17??? Will he still have these kind of issues??? Will we be able to " handle " him??? Once again, I know it sounds a little dramatic, but I think about these things because it is possible that this may be our reality regarding him. I think it is SO important during this time for us to continue to focus on the fact that we have zero control..... and God has ALL control. The prescription???
Trust, have faith, and lean hard on him. Repeat as necessary
In the meantime, the littlest angle has started kindergarten. Hard to believe that she is old enough to be going to school. The pics are from her first day last week and she is loving it and having the best time!! Very proud of her.
Thanks for checking in. Continue to pray for us please.
1 comment:
she looks so big to be a k'r...she must be tall for her age?
Sorry about Dawson....he is so stinkin cute though.
Will keep you close in prayer, and will pray you have more glorious, happy days with Dawson than shark days!
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