First of all the video.. This video was shot shortly after registration. Dawson was running up and down the hall and seemed to be pretty excited about all the animals on the wall. If you listen closely, there is a couple of times he snorts after touching the pig. Way to funny!! The pics are of him waking up from anesthesia. He was pretty drunk for a few minutes which I thought was hilarious!!.
We got up this morning at 4:00 am and left the house by 4:30 to make the 3 hour drive to Memphis. Checked in on time and the rest of the morning pretty much went like clockwork. They went ahead and got the IV in first thing and the girl who did it was pretty amazing. One stick and we were done. From there it was from one waiting are to another and they kept on schedule to the minute. His MRI was supposed to start at 12:00 and they were even a couple of minutes early. Pretty amazing. The MRI itself lasted about two hours which is about an hour longer that what it usually takes him. They were looking at VERY thin slices and also did a functional MRI while he was asleep too. Dawson did great throughout the procedure and we were in the recovery room with him for like maybe 5 minutes. Yep, 5 minutes and he was awake enough to go home.
Another 3 hour drive home and here we are..WHEW!! very long day indeed.
Thanks for all of you who prayed for a smooth trip and smooth MRI.
Unfortunately, we will not get the results of everything we had done today until about 3 days out from surgery. We are still full speed ahead. We will have another EEG in Huntsville in November and that will give us a better picture of whats going on during this seizure free streak were on ( DAY 26!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!) Until then, we will count and enjoy every single seizure free day we get!!
Our love to all of you
So glad things went smoothly!! 26 days seizure free...that's awesome! Lots to be thankful for!
So glad everything went smooth!! 26 days, words can't describe how amazing that is!! Hoping to talk soon!!
Precious little man!!! So glad you guys made it safely!!! Love the video and pictures. Love you guys!
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