Its not that we didnt try to take 1000 pictures of Dawson for Halloween.. He just wouldn't sit or stand still long enough to get a decent picture of him... Hence the picture in the car seat.... What a little turkey!!
This Halloween was pretty special.. This was the first year we've taken Dawson trick or treating. In the past hes either been too little, too many seizures, too temperamental. We were too worried about him having a come apart and ruining the Halloween experience for Madion... Not this year though..
The neighborhood my parents live in is considered Halloween Central.. Its the most amazing thing.. Its a giant neighborhood where most everybody participates in the festivities. People literally drive from all over to come to this neighborhood to trick or treat.. Hundreds of people line the streets, going house to house gathering candy.. It it certainly quite the sight!
This year, Dawson came with us. and he had a blast!! Ashlyn kept pretty close to his side the entire time and Allison and my heart were warmed at the sight of our littlest hero going from house to house, carrying his little pumpkin, SAYING TRICK OR TREAT... It was just so normal.. No seizures, no fussing, no behavior problems.. Just a little three year old skeleton, out and about, enjoying something he had never seen before... He really had fun.
At one point, Allison and I looked at each other while the kids ran to one house and said.. " This is VERY cool!!"
Hes doing all the things, that at one time we were afraid he would never be able to do.. He's running, hes playing, hes talking, and now hes trick or treating!!
Glory to God for his mercy, peace, and healing.
Thank you for your continued prayers. We go to Huntsville this week for an EEG... Everybody is dying to know what his EEG looks like since his seizures have stopped.
Im speechless. What a special Time for you guys!! We took Landon, and he loved it!!! His speech therapist made a trick or treat button for him to push...it was a huge hit!
Yeah for the great memories!!!
God bless him and the great gift you have been given...
praying for your upcoming eeg!
Well this was an awesome post to read this morning!!He is certainly amazing your little man and we are so overjoyed to find him thriving and happy and seizure free.What an incredible blessing.
So amazing! Tears me up reading this post! This is fabulous!!
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