Today we went to Huntsville to have an EEG for Dawson. His neuro ( and we) were anxious to see what his EEG looked like since his seizures have stopped. The hook up process was the smoothest its ever been. As a matter of fact, this is the first time we didnt have to hold him down and fight with him. The Tech at our Neuro's office is the best. We have had this process done so many times at so many different places and there is just no comparison to this lady. She actually got Dawson to help her throughout the process which kept him engaged. He was all hooked up in just a matter of a few minutes and he went right to sleep right on cue.
You just couldn't have asked for any better.
Without further delay, I am proud to announce that Dawson's EEG was completely NORMAL!!!
I can't even begin to describe all the feelings and emotions Allison and I have gone through over the past few hours. Just 42 days ago we were in a hospital in Memphis with a little boy who was having countless seizures daily. 42 short days ago we were there looking at an EEG that was just a mess. An EEG that showed total chaos and constant seizure activity in his brain. 42 days ago we were being told that he needed a portion of his brain removed to give him the best chance of a seizure free life.. and today...
We are celebrating not only seizure freedom, but a completely normal EEG
I knew from watching him this past month that his EEG was going to be improved. I may can not see inside his brain, but I see how fast he is catching up and how he is learning in leaps and bounds.. But i wasn't prepared for this.. So today we cried tears of joy on our way home from a Doctors visit instead of tears of sorrow.
You need proof that we serve a God who is alive and well and still preforms miracles????
Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Dawson!! A seizure free little boy who in our minds is a warrior.. Who has battled and fought his way through thousands of seizures since he was two months old. Our hearts are litteraly soaring tonight.. Today is conformation of prayers answered.
We have no idea what tomorrow holds for us and we are taking this new journey one day at a time. This is just the best news we could have ever hoped for. Thank you for taking a minute to celebrate with us!! Your prayers have helped make this day possible.
Our love to all
Jeff and Allison
Awesome!! Just the best news ever! I'm so happy for you all!!!
My heart is pounding...I am crying tears of joy for you! It gives me hope! You guys have been such a huge help for our family. I will never be able to explain how much we appreciate it. I will go to sleep tonight knowing miracles can happen! Enjoy this amazing time! I hope to talk to you guys soon!
Amazing.A miracle and a reminder to us all to never,not ever,give up hope.Your faithfulness has been inspiring and we love you all!
Jeff ,Allison, Dawson...
Praise God!!!
Dawson-you are a walking miracle and God has chosen you as His instrument...use it all for His glory throughout your life.
So, so happy for your family...
Sending huge celebration hugs your way!
What an insanely amazing thing these past few months have been for you guys!
Totally a Guidepost story! ;)
WOW!!!! Absolutely amazing! To have an EEG that is completely NORMAL after 42 days!!!...and everything you all have been through. It is a miracle and prayers were answered! SOOOO happy for you all!
Wow!!!! That's totally awesome! We are so happy for all of you, especially Dawson. Miracles really do happen.
Dawson just gave me a whole new outlook on life-that miracles are possible! Congrats to your family and that special little boy!!!!
Love you all and I'm so very happy for you. Dawson is such a special little guy, who has touched so many hearts! God is good!!!
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