I guess two of my four kids are just weird... Madison ( and now we know Dawson) love fresh broccoli?? really??? We grow our own broccoli and Dawson got into the fridge the other night and out of all the possibilities, he pulls out a head of broccoli. The pics say the rest... Yum yum, nothing like broccoli and a dum dum sucker right???
Dawson continues to do AMAZINGLY well. Today is day 51 seizure free!! He continues to make leaps and bounds developmentally right now, but if you want to know the biggest difference I see in him..............
Well, it would be his smile. This kid is genuinely happy now. You can see it on his face and you can certainly see it in his eyes. He is just really really happy. After suffering through thousands of seizures, I guess I would be pretty happy too that im not having any. We are still just awestruck as to what God has done here!!!
On another note, Ashlyn and Katelin both have birthdays this week. Ashlyn turned 12 Friday and Katelin turns 9 on Tuesday. We had a pizza and cake party last night for them ( pics to come soon) and I just can't tell you how proud I am of these two as well.
When your 9 and 12, and both of you have Type I Diabetes, life is a little more difficult. It still pains me to see the process they have to go through each and every time they put food in their mouth. Its just not fair!! First they have to prick their fingers, then they have to count and figure each and every carb they are fixing to consume, then they have to figure out how much insulin they are going to need, then after eating they get to jab themselves with a needle and administer insulin so that they dont die. Such fun right???
Both of them are mature well beyond their years when it comes to managing Diabetes. They are very aware at all times at whats going on with their bodies. We still struggle with really high blood sugars, and on the opposite end, we struggle with low blood sugars as well. Its a constant battle they go through every minute of every day to keep their blood sugars in an acceptable range. Dont take your pancreas for granted people!!! Its an amazing organ!!!
So happy birthday to my two oldest angels. You two girls are so amazing and I am so proud of both of you!!
Our love goes out to all of you and we are thankful for your prayers.
Had a blast seeing you all Saturday night!!! So glad to see Dawson doing so well! He made my night ... such a sweet boy!
Happy birthday to the girls!! My heart breaks for the battle they have! Such troopers! And dawson...well I can't say enough. We hope to get there soon! Hope to talk to you all soon!
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