In my heart, I know he has been healed. The enemy still likes to play games and mess with my mind though. I am finding its much harder to have the kind of faith to believe that he HAS been healed than the faith it took to believe he COULD be healed. Strange I know, but its true.
After EVERYTHING God has done for me and my family, I somehow still find it within myself to doubt him.. I have SUCH a long way to go!!
But I stand before you today, and proclaim victory in Jesus name over seizures.
Dawson is doing so good. He is so happy. He is learning so fast.. He has great distance to cover to get completely up to speed but he is making up ground fast.... Christmas morning we walked in with him and all eyes were on him to see his reaction.. He looks around with his sleepy little eyes and then he says... " PRESENTS!!" We didn't even know he knew that word!! Speech is coming along very nicely.. slowly but surely he is communicating. We are still so amazed at what life is like with a slain seizure monster.
We go public places without a second thought about what Dawson will be like.. We go out to eat in restaurants ( something we didn't even DARE to try) most of you know what Im talking about.. Its just so amazing.
So we wave goodbye to 2010 on a very good note.. This year has been full of spiritual growth. My best year in 40!!
Hope you enjoy all the pics from our holidays.
Love to you all
Also, We had our first white Christmas that I can ever remember.. White Christmas in Alabama!! Just doesn't bet any better than that..
Also again, If you notice the pics with Dawson's cut eye and shiner... He got in the way of a vicious ping pong match between me and Madison on the Wii.... Thank goodness it was Madison who hit him and NOT me!!

1 comment:
Happy New Year!!!!! Great pictures!
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