Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Madison is 6 :)

Today my sweet little girl turned 6. I can not believe it has been 6 years since this wonderful child came into our lives. She was an eager little girl, didn't want to wait around in the womb any longer and decided that three more weeks was just too long, so she came early. "I'm not ready!" were my first words after the nurse said time to go. We were actually going to go and finish getting things for her room after that weekly check up appointment. I tried to convience Jeff it would be okay to go get some things and then head over to the hospital, I didn't really feel like I was in labor but what did I know, he was having none of it. I couldn't even go home to get my things for the hospital, which by the way were not packed and ready to go....I just wasn't ready! Instead we found ourselves heading to the hospital, which meant my family ended up doing the running around for me...thanks guys!!!! I do not know what I (we) would ever do without the constant love and support of my family, they are so awesome!

I have been blessed with a wonderful, thoughtful, smart, funny, kind, generous, helpful, loving, tenacious, ( I could go on and on ), daughter. She is truly special and I thank God for my precious angel.

Happy Birthday Madison!!! I love you!!!!



DanyWhit said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Madison!!! Great post, Mommie!!

JnV:) said...

Happy Happy Birthday, from the Presley crew, Happy Happy Birthday, you know that we love you!!!!!!
(Doin the traditional Barnard birthday shpeal in my head, but that'd be kinda long to post;)) Love you guys!!!:)