Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday April13th

Dawson has had a good weekend seizure wise.  He has only had one cluster yesterday and so far today.  It might be only my imagination but ever since going up on his dose of Topamax he seems a little " weaker" than usual.  This evening has been a little better but this morning he seemed a lot more tired and it was harder for him to sit up.  I know that muscle weakness and tiredness are some side effects of the Topamax and hopefully he will adjust to this new dosage.  Allison had to work today so I got to spend the day with both of them.  It was a big treat and a lot different as we are usually both home together on the weekends.

He still continues to do well and we are trying to get him to get up on all fours and start crawling. So far he doesn't seem very interested in it at all but I am sure soon he will.  We mentioned the other day that we thought he was cutting some teeth. Well he is cutting both front teeth and his two  "I" teeth at the same time.  

We hope you all have had a great weekend and we thank you for your prayers.  Continue to lift him up the Lord.

We love you

Jeff and Allison

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