Here are some pictures of our little fishing outing we had last weekend. I had to work pretty hard to keep crickets on the hook but the girls had a great time. Also posted is a little video of Dawson cutting up and blowing raspberries. Its pretty funny so we thought we would share.
Seizures the past couple of days have been a little more numerous than usual. He is back to having some of the bigger numbers per cluster which we hate to see. We are wondering if stopping the Keppra is allowing him to have more?? At any rate it does not appear that the Topamax is going to be the answer. We are scheduled to go up on dosage one more time before his next EEG but I figure that if it was going to work, it would have by now. SOOOOOOOO..... Now we will have to very slowly titrate the dosage all the way back down until he is weened off of it which means only one thing to me. Wasted Time........... UGGGGGG. Allison and I find this to be very frustrating at times.
He had his second session of Physical Therapy today. Allison said it went pretty good. Of course he fussed a lot but I think that's pretty common. Anytime you try to make a baby do something it doesn't want to do that's usually the outcome. On the positive side, they came home with this cool exercise ball and I have already decided that if Dawson doesn't like using it, then Me and Madison will use it as a new kickball. ( I'm Kidding)
His sleep last night was HORRIBLE. It has been a while since it has been that bad. We suspect that he is trying to cut his top front teeth. Hopefully tonight ( with a little Tylenol) we will sleep better.
We love you guys and we are so thankful for each and every one of you who have been faithfully keeping up with his progress. We are especially thankful for your prayers as we struggle to get his seizures stopped. Have a great day everybody
Jeff and Allison
Sorry you guys find yourselves frustrated, wish we could all wave a magic wand and take this away from these kid so they could get back to just being babies. I hope everyone sleeps better tonight. Zoey is cutting another tooth also , so we can relate! Loved the video.
Till next time,Heather
Looks like a blast fishing! The girls are all getting so BIG!! Beautiful as usual!!!
Dawson is really showing off in his little video.....he is such a cute baby!!
Thanks for the pics/video.
Love you guys!
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