Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 4 seizure free

That's right, we are working on Day 4 with no seizures. Our hearts are just about to leap out of our chests with joy. BUT..... There is that thing that lingers in the back of your mind that just wont let you celebrate. That thing lurking back there telling you that this wont last. We know all too well that there are no guarantees in this game. You have to find that balance between being excited that he is not having any VS. being prepared to deal with seizures should they return at any moment. It is so hard to stay in the middle of the road like that!!

We hope and pray that he gets through the day today without any, and tomorrow we can start Day 5 seizure free. Please pray that God will continue his great and wonderful healing works in Dawson.

As of now we are still preparing to go to Atlanta for more testing. Its only a few days away and I am not sure what we are supposed to do if he should go S.F between now and then???
Obviously we will have to speak to his Neuro and see what she says.

Thank you so much for your support, your prayers, and your supportive comments being left for us. Hopefully tomorrow can be Day 5 for Dawson

We love you all

Jeff and Allison


Heather said...

Jump for joy, leap your hearts out, hoot and holler because 4 days of being seizure free is amazing!!!! We continue our faithful prayers for this trend to continue and Dawson becoming seizure free for the rest of his little life!!!!

DanyWhit said...

What wonderful news! Still have Dawson in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

4 days! I understand your reservations, but you need to start somewhere and now is as good a time as any.

Still plan to go to Atlanta... even if he remains SF, having an answer as to why they started could be beneficial in the long run.

fingers crossed!

Reagan Leigh said...

Praise God! That is so WONDERFUL!!! I am so happy for you all!! This is what we are all hoping for. What an answer to prayers!! I pray for many more seizure free days to follow.