Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day 5 seizure free

WOW......... 5 days and no seizures. We are so grateful for these past few days. What a blessing God's grace and healing power are. We are at this point literally speechless. I don't think there are words that can describe how we feel at this very moment. So tonight we are sitting quietly before God. Humbled, Awestruck, and Amazed.

We pray that tomorrow will be day 6

Thank you family and friends for your diligent prayers.

We love you

Jeff and Allison


Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!!! We love you guys so much and are so thankful to the Lord for all He's done for Dawson, and for you!! He's so good!! Bless you and we are praying for many more seizure-free days!!:)

Heather said...

How absolutely, positively incredible!! We are exremely ecstatic for Dawson and continue our faithful prayers. We can literally feel the joy coming through your post! We rejoice along side you all!