Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday May 30th Update

We are back on the horse again after seizures returning yesterday and He hasn't had any yet today so we start counting those days again. Today is day one.

He had a good day today. He seems to be cutting yet another tooth. He has been a little fussier that past couple of days and his sleep has been a lot more interrupted the past two or three nights. We are blaming this on the cutting of teeth as well. We are hoping tonight that he ( WE) will sleep a little better.

He had occupational therapy today and it went really well. He got fussy towards the end so we cut it a bit short. His occupational therapist says he is doing really really well. As a matter of fact she said we need to have him re-evaluated again because he has already met and surpassed the goals that were set for him when he was evaluated a few months ago. So he needs new goals to strive for.

That is such wonderful news to us. We spend so much time concentrating on seizures that sometimes we forget how blessed we are that developmentally he continues to thrive. So despite the seizures, he continues to develop and this in itself is just a miracle that we are so thankful for.

Something else we are thankful for is YOU. You guys have been so awesome to us. Your concern and your unrelenting prayers have left us speechless and we love each one of you very much. Thank you for checking in on Dawson

Our love to all

Jeff and Allison

1 comment:

Heather said...

What better place to start then day one! I feel the Lord has great things planned for all of us and know it is no accident that we found each other as we travel this common path with our children. I know for sure that the faces of these beautiful children that I check on daily, that I pray for daily, will forever be etched on my heart. Distance means nothing when joined by a power far greater then we have explanation for. Have an awesome weekend guys. We continue our prayers as always.