Saturday, May 17, 2008

More Seizures

Well, the seizures returned again. He has some Friday afternoon and has had two clusters so far today. Oh well!! I am to call the Neuros office on Monday to let them know how the weekend goes and I guess we'll see about going back up on the Lamictal. He is doing fine otherwise. It seems we are on the right path, we add a day every time he goes without seizures. It is just SO frustrating!!
We did ask if teething lowered the seizure threshold and the nurse said that any stress, emotional or physical, can lower the threshold. So maybe it is because he is teething. Despite why, we just deal with it and move on.
Please continue to pray for our little hero. We love you all!!

Allison & Jeff


Reagan Leigh said...

I have heard many times that teething (or sickness) lowers the threshold for seizures. Try not to get seems you are definitely on the right track with this combo of medications! As always, Dawson is in my prayers!

Heather said...

I only wish a magic wand could be waved for all these children. Instead we continue with the tried and true power of prayer! As always you remain in our thoughts and daily prayers