Sunday, May 11, 2008


we are excited to report that as of Friday morning Dawson has not had any seizures.  He has gone 2 days now with no seizure activity.  What a great mothers day present.  Join us in thankfulness to the Lord for these two great days.  

GO DAWSON GO!!!!  we are SOOO PROUD of him!!

Jeff and Allison


Heather said...

The best present a mother could ask for on this day!Sending prayers for staying seizure free forever.If you have a moment could you email me with how Dawson responded to topamax when he first started? Zoey seems absolutely out of it and I am really concerned. I have heard it's nicknamed is "dopamx" because it can make them dopey. Does it last? just trying to feel my way in another unchartered territory.

Thanks so much, Heather

Jonathan said...

Whoo hoo!


Unknown said...

Wow, finally some normalcy! I sure hope the meds will keep them away consistently!

Lisa Wade