Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tuesday May 6th

He had two small clusters so far today. I tell you, it is just so frustrating....you think you are getting somewhere, like maybe there is a pattern or something, then BOOM!! it all blows up in your face and he has 2 clusters with higher numbers (yesterday) in the daytime rather than at night. Today hasn't been so bad. So far he only had 3 spasms in each cluster. Sleep it still just okay, not to bad but not great either. Yesterday I sent a fax to the neuros office to update them on Dawson and I also asked about maybe using melatonin. I talked to his neuros nurse (after hearing about the increase in seizure activity I placed an immediate, frantic phone call) and they told us to give him his Lamictal as one dose in the morning instead of some in the morning and in the evening because it can cause insomnia. She said she didn't think that going up in the dosage played a role in his increase of seizures because we had just increased the dose that morning. She wants us to call back on Thurs. to let them know how he is doing.
He is making some new noises and putting some consonant sounds together. He likes to make noise by blowing through his lips, he sounds like a motorcycle...it is so funny!! He is such a happy, sweet little boy. He always has a smile ready for you!!! He is such a Blessing!!!
Thanks for checking in and please continue to lift Dawson up in prayer.

Love to all,
Allison & Jeff

1 comment:

Heather said...

We pray for answers for you guys all the time! I can't wait for Dawson to be free of these darn seizures and I truly feel your frustration and want you free from that also. Our prayers continue always.