Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday May 21st Update

Things are still about the same at the Wade household. Dawson's seizure patterns remains very unpredicatable. One day none, one day with, two days no seizures then the next day he will have some....... As if we wern't already confused enough. Regardless, we are thankful and look forward to the days he has none and hope to string some back to back again soon.

He is sleeping a little better again at night although its nothing compared to what we wish it would be. He wakes frequently throughout the entire night but on the good nights its easy to lull him back to sleep. I will give him this though..... For a kid who wakes up all night long every night he sure is a happy baby. Smiles, smiles, and more smiles.

We have found a new way to give his meds and it seems to help a lot and it is very simple to do....................

We hired a bubble blower ( Madison.) She gets her bubbles ready and when its time she will start blowing bubbles, Dawson gets distracted trying to pop them, and then we shove the stuff in his mouth. He is so distracted by the bubbles that he doesn't seem to realize that its " Medicine time." It is obvious that Madison enjoys it as well, and we make a big deal about what a great helper she is.

We are anxiously awaiting our Atlanta trip. We both keep wishing that something would happen and we wouldn't have to go but it appears that we will have to and we have the hope that this new round of testing will shed a lot of light on the subject.

Please continue to lift him up in prayer. God is awesome and he is listening.

Jeff and Allison


Heather said...

These little ones keep us on our toes and forever guessing, don't they? So happy that Dawson keeps your life lite up with his smile.Hope Atlanta is around the corner for you all but also continue that prayers will be answered and no Atlanta will be needed, wouldn't that be nice?

Danielle said...

What a brilliant idea about making Madison the bubble master! :o) I know both Toby & Bristel LOVE that feeling of helping out mommy & daddy & loving on Trevor!

We can totally relate with the sleep...Trev still wakes at least 3x a night. But over time it's gotten easier...and mostly he goes back to sleep with no trouble. I hope that trend continue for you guys as well...

God has gifted you with an amazing little full of life (which shines in his pix) and's beautiful!

Keepin' you in our thoughts & prayers!


ps. If you use the Ep. Foundation make sure you let me know the ropes! :o)