Thursday, February 26, 2009
Destructive Dawson

Monday, February 23, 2009

So the month of February has been deemed National Sickness Month at the Wade house. Its hard to believe but the kids are sick yet again. Madison and Dawson have been passing things to each other all winter but this month has been the worst. Were back to very wet congested coughs, continuous running noses, fever, so on and so forth. Dawson has been SUPER ill the past few days at will throw a temper tantrum at the drop of a hat right now. I'm not sure if its just because hes feeling so crappy or maybe were starting terrible twos a little early?? I think its because he feels so bad. So Saturday morning Allison loaded the kids up for a Doctors visit and Dawson has a sinus infection, and Madison has an ear infection..... SIGH
Hopefully this will be the last of the winter illnesses...
So sorry for such a delay in posting. Last week was a crazy one and having sick kids on top of crazy week means you don't have any time to sit and type... I promise to to better
Last night Dawson said " Love you" Isn't that the greatest!! It sounded like " luf you" but that's close enough to me. We are so happy he is learning words like he is.
Well we hope everybody has a great Monday and please know how much we appreciate all of you.
Our love to all
Jeff and Allison
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
No more Early Intervention
Dawson walks up and grabs a hand full of Madison's hair and gives it a jerk. Madison looks at me and says " See dad, this is why I didn't want a baby brother!!"
Dawson picking on Madison is in full swing now. He seems to take some great pleasure in doing things that make her cry. I expected it to be this way,but it does seem a little early for all this to be starting between the two of them........
Yesterday the evaluator with Early Intervention came by to see how Dawson was doing. Long story short.... He is doing so well that he no longer qualifies for services. They have done a fantastic job with him,and we are very very thankful for the services they provided. We hate to see them go but at the same time we are glad that Dawson does not need them. He has no delays of any kind and how truly thankful we are for that.
We did the last ween of Topomax this Sunday. He is down to one pill in the morning and one pill in the evening. This is a very low dose of seizure meds and he will stay at this dose until he is Two years. Hopefully after that we can come completely off of it.
Other than that, nothing of great importance to post. We pray everybody has a wonderful week and know that we think about all of you often.
Our love to all.
Jeff and Allison
Dawson picking on Madison is in full swing now. He seems to take some great pleasure in doing things that make her cry. I expected it to be this way,but it does seem a little early for all this to be starting between the two of them........
Yesterday the evaluator with Early Intervention came by to see how Dawson was doing. Long story short.... He is doing so well that he no longer qualifies for services. They have done a fantastic job with him,and we are very very thankful for the services they provided. We hate to see them go but at the same time we are glad that Dawson does not need them. He has no delays of any kind and how truly thankful we are for that.
We did the last ween of Topomax this Sunday. He is down to one pill in the morning and one pill in the evening. This is a very low dose of seizure meds and he will stay at this dose until he is Two years. Hopefully after that we can come completely off of it.
Other than that, nothing of great importance to post. We pray everybody has a wonderful week and know that we think about all of you often.
Our love to all.
Jeff and Allison
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Neur Visit Today
Today we made the trip to Huntsville to see Dawson's Neurologist. It has been over 3 months since they have seen him and boy were they surprised to see Dawson walking down the hall today. Apparently he has grown quite a lot in the past three months as well. Dr. Bebin was very impressed with what has been going on with him. His development is still right on track and as far as Neuro visits go it was a good one. We talked more about weening him off of the Topamax and she wants to do one more decrease starting this Sunday. We will go down to ( 15 mg sprinkle) in the morning and 1 ( 15 mg sprinkle) in the evening. She wants to keep him at this does until he is two years old. We were kinda hoping to be able to come off completely but its apparent that she knows whats best from a medical stand point and we will follow her advice.
Dawson is on a big learning curve right now and is developing rapidly and learning new things almost every day now. What a miracle!! We are very very very proud of our guy ( as if that's not obvious) and just can't wait to see what tomorrow will hold for him.
Our love and thanks goes out to you for keeping up with him and for your prayers.
Jeff and Allison
Dawson is on a big learning curve right now and is developing rapidly and learning new things almost every day now. What a miracle!! We are very very very proud of our guy ( as if that's not obvious) and just can't wait to see what tomorrow will hold for him.
Our love and thanks goes out to you for keeping up with him and for your prayers.
Jeff and Allison
Sunday, February 8, 2009

Madison had a really hard time with it and after a week she is still not back to her normal self. She is getting a little better each day and its taking a lot of time for her to get her appetite back.
Dawson is still doing great and hes had another wonderful week full of smiles, picking on his big sister, and wrecking the house. He is getting better and better at communicating with us and its just thrilling to watch. sign language and words are coming pretty easy now and he knows what he wants and he will either speak or sign ( or both) to get what he wants. Which by the way is usually related to food or drink.
We have an appointment with his Neuro in Huntsville next week. The last time we saw her he wasn't even walking yet and now hes running. We cant wait to show him off and show them how well he is doing.
God bless you all and thanks for checking in to see how he is doing
Jeff and Allison
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Stomach Virus
In my last post I mentioned that we didn't think Dawson had "THE" stomach virus..... WRONG!!
He had it Thursday night. Grampy had it Friday, Madison Started Saturday Evening, Allison Started a few hours after Madison. Ashlyn got it Sunday morning. Granny and Uncle Adam got it this weekend as well.This thing struck hard and it struck fast. The only one who didn't get it was me. Boy I was sitting around the house all day Sunday waiting on it too. I was very picky about what I ate all day Sunday. If I didn't mind the possibility of seeing it again soon I went ahead and ate it, but other than that most food was off limits for me.
I think all in all Madison had it the worst of anybody. She had it Saturday night and was still throwing up as I was leaving for work Monday morning. Last night she had a lot of tummy pains but I think that as of today she is all better. She was doing the every 10 to 15 min thing for about 5 hours straight and it was just heartbreaking to see her that way.
So everybody is on the mend, I still do not have it yet and i'm trying to convince myself that Im safe. We'll see how the next couple of days go.
Thanks for all the positive and wonderful comments left on our last blog. It is so great to have all of you as friends, and the support we have received from all of you has been not only amazing, but a God send. I can't imagine having a better group of friends and family to travel this road with. We love you all very much!!!
And a word about Mr. Dawson. He is doing just fantastic. His speech and his sign language are really taking off and he is learning and saying new words at a very rapid rate now that we are weening the Topamax. We are so proud of him!
Jeff and Allison
He had it Thursday night. Grampy had it Friday, Madison Started Saturday Evening, Allison Started a few hours after Madison. Ashlyn got it Sunday morning. Granny and Uncle Adam got it this weekend as well.This thing struck hard and it struck fast. The only one who didn't get it was me. Boy I was sitting around the house all day Sunday waiting on it too. I was very picky about what I ate all day Sunday. If I didn't mind the possibility of seeing it again soon I went ahead and ate it, but other than that most food was off limits for me.
I think all in all Madison had it the worst of anybody. She had it Saturday night and was still throwing up as I was leaving for work Monday morning. Last night she had a lot of tummy pains but I think that as of today she is all better. She was doing the every 10 to 15 min thing for about 5 hours straight and it was just heartbreaking to see her that way.
So everybody is on the mend, I still do not have it yet and i'm trying to convince myself that Im safe. We'll see how the next couple of days go.
Thanks for all the positive and wonderful comments left on our last blog. It is so great to have all of you as friends, and the support we have received from all of you has been not only amazing, but a God send. I can't imagine having a better group of friends and family to travel this road with. We love you all very much!!!
And a word about Mr. Dawson. He is doing just fantastic. His speech and his sign language are really taking off and he is learning and saying new words at a very rapid rate now that we are weening the Topamax. We are so proud of him!
Jeff and Allison
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