Madison had a really hard time with it and after a week she is still not back to her normal self. She is getting a little better each day and its taking a lot of time for her to get her appetite back.
Dawson is still doing great and hes had another wonderful week full of smiles, picking on his big sister, and wrecking the house. He is getting better and better at communicating with us and its just thrilling to watch. sign language and words are coming pretty easy now and he knows what he wants and he will either speak or sign ( or both) to get what he wants. Which by the way is usually related to food or drink.
We have an appointment with his Neuro in Huntsville next week. The last time we saw her he wasn't even walking yet and now hes running. We cant wait to show him off and show them how well he is doing.
God bless you all and thanks for checking in to see how he is doing
Jeff and Allison
Thanks for stopping by Kendall's blog! Dawson is so precious...and running??? That's awesome. There is definitely power in prayer. Have a great week.
Amazing sweet boy.Keep up the awesome progress.We continue to be oh so proud of you with each and every day that passes.
Love that cute little guy! Sorry I haven't been checking in as much, but I'm trying to catch up on everybody's blogs. Kind of took a break for the past 2 weeks while connor has been sick too.
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