Thursday, February 12, 2009

Neur Visit Today

Today we made the trip to Huntsville to see Dawson's Neurologist. It has been over 3 months since they have seen him and boy were they surprised to see Dawson walking down the hall today. Apparently he has grown quite a lot in the past three months as well. Dr. Bebin was very impressed with what has been going on with him. His development is still right on track and as far as Neuro visits go it was a good one. We talked more about weening him off of the Topamax and she wants to do one more decrease starting this Sunday. We will go down to ( 15 mg sprinkle) in the morning and 1 ( 15 mg sprinkle) in the evening. She wants to keep him at this does until he is two years old. We were kinda hoping to be able to come off completely but its apparent that she knows whats best from a medical stand point and we will follow her advice.

Dawson is on a big learning curve right now and is developing rapidly and learning new things almost every day now. What a miracle!! We are very very very proud of our guy ( as if that's not obvious) and just can't wait to see what tomorrow will hold for him.

Our love and thanks goes out to you for keeping up with him and for your prayers.

Jeff and Allison


DanyWhit said...

Well, great report for the Neuro. Glad all is well. Love you guys!

Heather said...

And the miraculous journey of Dawson continues.Great news and we are happy to see that everyone seems to be on the mend.Love from California.